Were Dating!

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Hey Guys lets start where we left off for once ;)

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Hey Guys lets start where we left off for once ;)

Izuku Midoriya POV

What if he says no? I shouldn't have picked this ride! If he says no we'll be stuck here awkwardly till the rides over. Izuku your so stu-"Yes. Fuck a million times Yes Izuku!" He hugged me tightly and I noticed my eyes start to tear up.

I sniffled hugging him back just as tightly "Are you crying?!" I gasped and pulled away to see light tears streaming down his face. "Ive just been- Shit. Waiting for this for so long" He let out a giggle and I wiped his tears kissing his cheek.

"So... Boyfriend. How was that for a confession?" Kacchan asked puffing his chest out as we walked away from the Ferris Wheel. "Ehh I've seen better" I teased leaning forward as i walked holding his hand. "Im kidding don't make that faceeee" He shook his head "Don't tease me nerd" I am not a nerd. "Come on lets go on that ride!"

3rd Person POV

After the two got together that Friday they both had plans all weekend. Katsuki was busy with Basketball practice and Catching up on school work. Izuku was busy Dancing and Studying for his pre ACT. They were Juniors and would have to Graduate at some point!

They texted each other as much as they could for being busy but it was definitely better seeing each other.

Katsuki told his Basketball team and Bakusquad that he and Deku were dating and they weren't even surprised.

Deku had completely forgotten to tell his friends about his Blonde boyfriend but they would soon find out come Monday.

Time skip to Monday

Katsuki Bakugo POV

Fuck I couldn't sleep at all last night, or the night before in fact. I haven't talked to Deku In days! I looked In the mirror and had eye bags, fucking terrible eye bags. I don't even care right now. I put on some sweat pants and a hoodie, thankfully I don't have Basketball Practice. But there Is a Game tomorrow after school.

I have to see him. I ran out the door not bothering to get breakfast and Got in my car driving to school. I seen him walking into the School and i locked my car speed walking to the building.

I pushed passed everyone in my path walking into the Cafeteria groggily. I walked right by my 'Squads' table and quickly lifted The green haired Omega sitting at his table with him on my lap I latched onto him. Wrapping my arms tightly around his chest so his back pressed against my chest. I put my head on his shoulder closing my eyes as i leaned into his scent gland as much as possible. "I missed you..." I mumbled before drifting to sleep, yea... ill just take a nap.

Izuku Midoriya POV

I giggled feeling Kacchan go limp against my back and when I looked back up everyone gave me 'the look' "Explain" Ochako and Asui sais in sync. Oh shit I forgot to tell them! I put my hand on Kacchans rubbing small circles on the back of his hand. "Were kind of... dating" I jumped slightly when they all started cheering about it soon enough the whole Cafeteria was saying some sort of Congratulation.

Kacchan woke up from all the noise and growled his grip tightening on me and I let out a small whimper. He immediately let me go and turned me around in his lap. I looked up at his face and gasped "What happened to your face? You look like Crap!" That may have been a little mean..

I cupped his face rubbing the dark circles. "I missed you so much I couldn't sleep" His eyes were half open looking at me. I smiled and leaned back on the table looking at Todorokis watch who was sitting across from us. "We still have fifteen minutes try and get some sleep Kacchan" I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close. He nuzzled my scent gland as close as he could get trying to smell my scent.

Kacchan eventually fell back asleep and I talked quietly to Ochako about us dancing tomorrow at the Basketball game. Im excited! I get to dance and watch Kacchan play. I bet he's amazing at it. I mean he was practicing all weekend so he must like it. He's played Basketball since we were kids, Shindo used to play with him all the time when they were closer friends. They kinda drifted apart since age difference but I think Kacchan still secretly likes him. Kacchan and I ended up as best friends because we would help each other practice.

Im not the best at Basketball but I helped as much as I could. Kacchan was pretty good at dancing, he helped me learn different dances and even took Gymnastics with me.

The bell rung startling me and waking Kacchan again. I rubbed his back "Time for class" he nodded and stood up putting a hand under my butt to hold me up. I was about to protest but decided against it since he's so tired. He set me down in my seat next to Shinso who wasn't here yet. I kissed him on the cheek and he left. I hope he gets some sleep even though he shouldn't sleep in class. Shinso came and we did a Pop Quiz on the variables of science.

Katsuki Bakugo

I went straight to my next class, plopped in my seat, and went to sleep. Fucking finally some peace and quiet.

Hey Guys!

I'll be focusing more on this book instead of my other so there will be more updates on this one! So I will be posting two maybe three chapters a week for this story.

If you read my other story- I will still update it, it will just be once every two weeks (twice a month)

☺️ Thank you and Cya!

Word Count: 1000

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