- to: lily riane marie scotts
in life, we have to face different problems. sometimes, we triumph and other times, we fail. but that's okay. that doesn't mean that your life is over because of one mistake and that you can't bounce back again.
when something good dosen't come, better things are ought to happen. making mistakes is completely normal although beating yourself up for what is not your fault isn't.
in the past year, so much things have happened and i could not comprehend it. as i'm writing this letter, i hope you know that i'm totally not crying. manly, am i right? okay, that was a little bit of a lie.
i just wanted to make this letter because who knows, maybe this is the last form of communication we will use in the next 4 years? dunno, princeton is way far from stanford.
i have wasted so much paper on re-writing this and it bothers me so much. i just can't seem to find the right words to say. i have so many questions. curious is an understatement, to be honest.
what was he like? i bet you're freaking out on how i know all about this. and i'm sorry. it's not my place to know.
i snuck in a pendant in your bag. it's mint green and it's in a shape of a letter P. to remind you that i'm here whenever you're feeling down. i'm so selfish, i put my own initial in the pendant. it's okay if you don't wear it, i understand.
honestly? i know nothing about you. i don't know what's your favourite colour. your favourite food. i don't know anything about your past.
it's weird that i've been more of a best friend to you than aspen is. she's a bitch, by the way. don't let her bring you down. i did love her, you know. she could fool anyone with that sick little smile.
i remember when we met. it was at tesco. when you're reading this, you're probably laughing and muttering how romantic. and let me tell you, it was definitely far from that. she was very bitchy when we first met.
okay, story time. we had a party that night and i didn't bother getting a basket for my beer. she wasn't obviously looking, and she knocked the alcohol down. it smashed into pieces, and get this, she was the bitchy one from the both of us. we split the money for paying and she just ended up asking me if i want coffee. i said yes, to be nice, but in all honesty, i was getting sick of her.
more coffee dates to come, i ask her to be my girlfriend. she said yes.
i know you only heard her side of the story, but that wasn't exactly what happpened.
then one day, on our first anniversary, taylor (my ex-girlfriend) told me that i should stop becoming a pussy and just talk to her. easy enough, right?
i was going to tell her i love her. but–she saw me talking with taylor and thought that i was cheating on her. which was far from what i was doing.
she broke it off and boom, there goes my life. i thought everything was going down from that point. my grades were failing, my girlfriend is gone, my friends thought that i didn't need any help because i got into a fight with them after our break up.
fast forward to 4 months, you text me.
but, enough of the sappy shit. speaking of this letter, i got my address in new jersey. you can send me letters, if you want. i'd be changing my phone, too and i wouldn't want you to pay for just hearing my voice. also, it's going to be more romantic. and you could definitely tell that i'm smirking right now.
you know, that other night at the party, i wasn't lying. and i wasn't drunk. i do love you. i just didn't want to fight you off the thought you were thinking. having a relationship before heading to college? talk about haggard.
god, i sound like a girl.
saying i love you a thousand times to you won't still be enough. i know that you don't like me in that way, and i'm fine with that. i'm willing to wait. if you do wait for me. if you don't, it's alright.
i know that we'll be meeting new people in the future and i don't want to get in the way of that. just remember that you shouldn't overthink if i should get mad if you have a relationship with someone else.
anyways, here's my new address. 635 Winter Avenue Princeton Ivy Eat, NJ. hope you send soon.
i don't want to say goodbye because goodbyes are going to hurt like a bitch. plus, who said we're saying goodbyes so soon?
so, see you later lily.
- from: parker fletcher lois
parker never truly ceases to surprise me.
holy shit it's finished!!!!! like actual finished!!!!!
you think i'm letting this book go without a hook and i'm not!! theres more secrets to be revealed in the second book.
and yes, his full name is parker fletcher lois
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Short Story"So, do you know colton adams?" #194 in short story, 1|7|15