catching up

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do i look presentable enough? i should stop overthinking this. remember lily, he's just here to catch up on what happened. i glance down at what i'm wearing and i shrug. it wasn't that fancy or exquisite, just jeans and a button down. we're just here to talk. 

the doorbell rings and i recoiled because it surprised me. "hey." i smile at him and the first thing that actually comes to my mind is 'wow, he looks good'. he looks at me and grins back. 

"oh, come in!" i chuckle, remembering that we were still outside, just smiling and saying hi to each other. i hope he's going to understand. 

he will. 

i hope. 

i thank that aunt linda and collin had to go downtown for a few days so i was left all alone in the house. winter break was starting tomorrow. he gives me a hesitant look and i let out a sigh. "ask what you're going to ask." i say as i let out a cigarette from my pack. i light it up and mutter under my breath, "might as well get this over with". 

he seems to be deep in thought. "parker." i utter. 


"parker." and that seemed to what it took to divert his attention back to me. 

"i have so much questions and–" 

"i'll just tell you everything right from the start. all questions will be answered at the end." i clarified.

i sucked in a deep breath and started telling the entire story from the start. "so the hospital called me last week, saying that my dad got into an accident and he was drunk driving. since my dad had the fault, he's going to a court meeting. as of now, he's still in the hospital. i went there and collin came there to comfort me and he and his mom decided to pay all the bills in the hospital. i couldn't ask for a better family than them. i've been doing better, been eating more lately, getting enough sleep. oh, and our house was robbed, so it gets 10 times better, right?" i mutter the last part sardonically. 

his face was a mixture of pure confusion, worry, concern, sympathy, sadness, and unease. "wow." 

"definitely a wow." i murmur. 

"wait, what do you mean 'eating more lately?'" shit. i haven't told him anything about my past! fuck. 

i let out an uncomfortable laugh. "that's a story for another day, parker." today wasn't the right day. i'm already a burden to him by telling him all that happened these past few days. 

he looked at me straight in the eye. "i want the answers now, lily. you can't live a life where you pretend that everything's okay. you need to vent that out to someone sooner or later!" his voice was laced with hurt and agony. why was he carrying my problems? 

i laugh humourlessly. "first of all, i do not pretend that everything's okay. it just so happens that i'm really fucking good with hiding my goddamn emotions from society. i'm not like one of those high school girls that have high metabolisms, can get an A+ from a subject without trying and can date ANYBODY they choose. my family has high expectations from me–graduating as class valedictorian, when i can barely pass math? i like people and care about them, why do you think i try to impress them?" i snap. 

he looks so taken aback that i just want to take back what i said. "you don't need to please anyone because it's not their life, lily. they can do the hell they want in their lives and you won't feel the same feeling they did. if your dad loved your mom, he didn't do that to please anyone. he did that because he wanted to. he didn't say those three words because he wanted to make everyone happy, he said it because he truly loved your mom. now, i don't care what you say, but right now you're coming with me." he barks back and takes a hold of my arm and i follow him to his car. 

the tension was so thick. "i'm sorry about earlier, i didn't mean to lash out on you like that." i apologize. 

"me too, and i really mean it lily." 

"where are we going?" 

"to the pizza place i know." 


"yes. you're already with me so why the hell not?" 


"but you have to promise me that you're actually going to eat." 

"a bite or two would be okay." 

"no. i want to hear you say that you're going to be eating 2 slices of pizza." this argument was getting useless. i guess 2 slices of pizza can't be that bad for me. right? 


longest chapter now and are you on a rollercoaster of emotions because i hella am AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! GO 2015 

i can't believe this is 819 words hahahahahahhahahahahaha damn 

thank you all so much for a hundred likes, it means so much to me <3 


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