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this is a heads up, it's going to be a chapter, not a text.


"Ellie!" Aspen greeted me, quickly rushing over to hug me. I felt a stab of pain over my lower abdomen. Mother nature, I just freaking love you so much.

She must have noticed that I was getting uncomfortable from the hugging. Mother nature's a bitch, isn't she?" She whispers discretely, making sure that no one will hear. I nod weakly, clutching my abdomen tightly. I just wanted to lie down and put my warm laptop over my stomach.

"W, get well soon, Eli!" She waved, going to her class.

I got all the necessary materials I needed for first, second, and third period.

1st: AP calculus.

2nd: creative writing

3rd: gym

I cursed quietly. I had no energy to write and to think for calculus and creative writing. Gym was today and I have to skip this. I will do everything in my willpower to skip this goddamn class. I don't really care if it costs me detention, it's just like satan's against me today. I closed my locker to see Declan Watson grinning from ear to ear.

His presence mad me furious. His face. Declan, he just acts like nothing big happened between us, casually striding over to everyone while I have to overthink about everything when it wasn't even my fault.

"What?" I spat. I absolutely had no energy to deal with this.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He chuckles. maybe the blood that is coming out of me in this very second might tell you.

Declan notices the look on my face and gets on with it.

"What do you want?" I asked, busy counting the seconds I suffered.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

"I need you to go to a party with me." He blurts out.

9, 10, 11, 12.

"No." was all he was gonna get. It was the closest thing to a answer, too. He's lucky I even considered saying a simple no to his face.

21, 22, 23, 24.

"Please." He pleaded again.

29, 30.

"What do I get in this?" I asked in curiosity.

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.

"Nothing, really. Free booze if you consider it. But if you do go, it's gonna save the chances of me shouting that you like me in the cafeteria." He smirks.

59, 60, oh, it's been a minute. was time this long?

I gasped when i heard those words. Sure, we've dated a few years back but everyone knew that I became a total bitch when he left me for andrea. Ugh. The simple thought of her makes me cringe. Talk about gross. If I told him now that I just said that to parker, then he'll say I'm denying it and I'm lying.

I fucking hate you Parker Lois.

"Okay. In one condition." I sighed. I wasn't going to win this fight.

"What is it?" He cocked one eyebrow up. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing because he totally looked like an idiot doing it.

"Don't be a fucking asshole." I hissed.

"Aw, cute." He ruffles my hair and fixes my glasses on top of my head.

"But, okay." He adds a reassuring smile.

I don't know why but something in my gut tells me that today's going to be a bad day. And that's not even with the blood involved.

My 3 classes all end with a blur and I can barely walk towards outside from the girl's locker room.

"Don't be such a drama queen, Ellie!" Kim snickered, with venom lacing in her voice. Her group of friends laughed behind her and I let out a grunt.

"Can't you walk? Why are you limping around?" She mocked. I laughed in response. It was humourless, and full of sarcasm and wit. Mood swings probably.

She looked taken aback from my response. "Actually, uh, you can deal by that bullshit all by yourself. I don't really have the energy to even talk to anyone. Maybe on another day?" I say sweetly and walked out of the room.

"Sassy, Ellie." Aspen laughed, hugging her books to her chest.

"She deserved it." It was true, she did. After all of the horrible things she did to people that didn't even deserve it.

"Did you see all of that?" I backtracked and realized that I said that really loud a while ago, causing weird looks from the people at the hallways.

"Yeah. Heard all of it, girl." She chuckles.

"Slay." she adds.

Lunch was mostly uneventful except for the part where I took a bite off aspen's apple. 'Start off easy' was the only thing Dr. Cole advised.

Aspen nearly choked on her own food. Jasmine? She actually fell on the floor.

It was just a apple, I reminded them. I looked back to see Declan glancing at me with worry filled eyes. Why does he care? parker was looking at me, too, but quickly returned to drawing on his sketch pad.

"Ellie, there's 2 guys having a staring contest because of you.." Jasmine muttered. I sighed, then closed my algebra book which had my homework for tomorrow on it.

Homework can wait.

I turned around, glancing at Declan, then to Parker. I gave them a look which basically said, 'shut up.' I guess that did the trick because the next time I looked, they were both busy with their things.

Declan was laughing with Luke; Parker just continued drawing.

All is well.

At least that's what I think.


oooh cliffhanger!! anyways i'll upload the rest tomorrow. if im happy then i'll upload it today ;) this is part one of the story, by the way.

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