Year 3 - The Firebolt

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"Really?" Hermione asked. "You want to help?"

"Of course."

"I thought you hated Harry."

"I do, but I hate Black even more."

"Well, it'll be a lot easier with your help."

"But Hermione, why are you the one that's crying?"

"Because, Draco, my heart just breaks for him. He's already had so much taken away from him and now there's two people out there purposefully trying to take his life when he's done nothing to them."

"Fair enough," he looked as though her answer wasn't good enough for him. It made him suspicious.

"I don't even know where to start. I want to help Harry so bad. He said that when Black comes for him, that he wants to be ready."

"Well then, you'll help him get ready. I can't help him directly, of course, but I can help you help him... if that makes sense."

"Yeah," Hermione smiled.

"Hermione, it'll be okay. Harry's already battled two versions of You-Know-Who and a Basilisk. He'll be fine. That's enough talk about him."

"Yeah," Hermione sniffled and nodded. Draco put a finger under her chin and lifted her face up to him. He softly kissed her lips. Hermione gave him a small smile. "Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight, Hermione," Draco smiled as he squeezed her hand one last time. Hermione quietly stepped up to the Gryffindor common room. "Good evening, Sir Cadogan," Hermione nodded.

"And to you, my dear!" Sir Cadogan let out a huge yawn. "I'm afraid I must hit the sack, myself."

"Socia Virtutis." The painting of Sir Cadogan swung open. The common room was already dark. Everyone who was once awake was safe in their beds. Hermione sat on the couch in the empty room. She took a deep breath. She knew that she would never ever have a normal year at Hogwarts, but she was okay with it. Suddenly she heard a scream from the boys dormitory. Dean came running down the stairs.

"Dean, what's happening?" Hermione stood up, panicked.

"It's Ron! He just woke up screaming. You'd better go up," Dean said.

"Thanks, Dean," Hermione raced up the steps to the boys dormitory. 

"Everybody out!" Hermione heard Harry say. Neville and Seamus both came running down the stairs as Hermione was going up. She dodged out of their way and came up to see Harry and Ron gawking at a shadow of a knife-wielding man on the wall.

"Oh my," Hermione said. The light casting the shadow was from Harry's Sneakoscope. 

"Show yourself," Harry said with his wand extended. A glass of water on the floor shattered and Scabbers ran past Harry's feet, chased by Crookshanks. The shadow on the wall morphed into something almost animal-like. It glided against the wall and out the window. It vanished into the night. "You okay, Hermione?" Hermione nodded silently and swallowed. "Ron?" Harry looked around as Ron had disappeared from the room. He pushed back Ron's bed curtains to an empty bed. "Ron!" Harry called.

"Is he gone?" Ron popped his head out from under the bed. 

"Seems to be," Hermione said.

"Alright, everyone?" Ron asked as he climbed out from under the bed.

"Yeah," Harry and Hermione nodded. 

"Was that?-"

"Let's just not talk about it," Harry said.

"Agreed," Hermione added.

"I know I don't say it a lot, but... I love you guys," Harry said.

"Aw, Harry," Hermione said. She pulled Ron and Harry into a group hug. When the trio went back downstairs, they were awaited by the entire Gryffindor house in their pajamas as well as Professor McGonagall. 

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