Year 5 - Insufferable

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Viktor had asked Hermione to write to him, but she never did. She didn't know what it was, she just wasn't interested in him anymore. She was only infatuated with him when she was near him. Now that she was away from him, that seemed to disappear. She spent all but three weeks with her parents before it was time to go to the Order of the Phoenix Headquarters for the summer. The Order of the Phoenix was a band of rebels that actively worked against the deceit of Lord Voldemort. Sirius Black's house was the headquarters. That's where Hermione is going to spend the summer. 

"One of these days you'll want to spend your summer with us," Hermione's mother said.

"You hardly see us anymore," Hermione's father said.

"I'm sorry. You know I love you guys, I just feel weird when I'm away from my friends," Hermione said. "I truly feel happy when I'm at Hogwarts and when I'm with people of my own kind. It makes me feel special. It's where I belong."

"You really are special, darling," Mrs. Granger said. "I have known it since the day you were born."

Hermione smiled weakly and hesitated. "Well, it's time to get in the car."

Hermione directed her father the best she could to the address and map that Harry gave her and they got there in more time than they should've. The first one to come outside of the apartment building was Ginny. Hermione looked up at the building she was about to enter. It looked like 12 Grimmauld Place was shoved into the apartment complex at a moment's notice. It looked like it didn't fit at all. "Hermione!" Ginny embraced her.

"Ginny!" Hermione squealed. She was very excited to see her girl best friend. She had to tell her about how much she was done with Viktor. She didn't want to be cruel, but she just wanted to talk about it so much. She didn't know why she did, but she was obsessed with it. 

"I'm so happy to see you!" 

"Me too!" Hermione got her stuff out of the car and held Crookshanks. "Goodbye, Mum! Bye, Dad!" Hermione's parents waved as they drove away. 

"Come inside! Everyone's so excited to see you."

"Alright," Hermione followed Ginny inside the apartment. 

"I'll take your bags upstairs. You can let Crookshanks roam. Everyone's in the dining room having lunch. You should have some." Ginny smiled and carried Ginny's bags upstairs. 

When she pushed the swinging door open into the dining room, everyone stood. The people standing around the table were Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Sirius Black, Professor Lupin, Professor Moody (the real one), a tall Nigerian man, and a fun looking woman with purple hair. "Hermione, darling. So nice to see you," Mrs. Weasley beckoned towards her and pulled her into a hug.

"Nice to see you, as well, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said.

"Hello, Hermione. You're welcome to some of this lunch," Mr. Weasley said.

"Thanks, Mr. Weasley."

"Hermione!" Professor Lupin held out his arms and Hermione ran to hug him. "I promise this time I won't bite." 

"Hello Professor Lupin," Hermione laughed.

"Nonsense. You can call me Remus from now on. It would be an honor from the brightest witch of the new generation."

"Professor Moody," Hermione addressed Mad-Eye. "I trust you're recovering from your experience at Hogwarts last semester."

"Right you are, Ms. Granger. I never got to teach you, so I'm no professor to you. You can call me Alastor, or Mad-Eye, if you prefer. I've heard all about your intelligence from this lady and these gentleman. You should be very proud."

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