Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((Unlikely hope))

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Being a slave for a Galra meant working, and working hard. The same applied to everybody but at least a servant had a free will of some kind and a bit of dignity. You however sadly didn't get such a luxury. 

- "Where are you?! Get your useless ass here and help Kreimag!"

One of those in charge yelled out as you tried to get down a mouthful of water and a breath or two of air, to rest. But rest was not for slaves. It was for those that belonged to them selves who was not you. 

In other words, you where a tool that could speak but nothing else. 

Your owners where belonging on a planet far far away from your own home. Earth was just a myth to you, a distant dream. 

You had never seen it or even knew what it looked like, only heard rumors here and there among others that you worked with where ever you would end up being sent to. 


A crack of a whip flashed just an inch from your shoulder and despite the weapon not making contact with your skin the snap of air frightened you and made pain from it had come back almost wanting to grab at the area but there was no time for fright and fear. 


-"Move it or do you really want me to give you a swing?!"

This guy at least was nice enough to not actually hit you for now but most of the overseers of slaves didn't hesitate. "He must be new. Kreig would even laugh as he'd mash your back into a mush of red till you would wither in pain and cries of agony." Kreimag said as he too hold of a large boulder and you joined him on the other side to help him tip it over and away from a recent cave in after a blow  in the mines you had been sent off to today. 

"Yeah, I know."

With a heave and a grunt you both managed to tip over the boulder and with a loud thud it fell just a bit behind you both as a whistle sounded behind you and it caught your alert as none other than Kreig him self showed up with the same sadistic and smug grin on his face as his whip this time was still attached to his hip but he surely was pinning his eyes on you as he waved you to come over and with only but a fearful and terrified look to your one and only companion you had you went to walk over to Kreig and stopped just a few feet away. "Masters sold you. A far away volcano planet will be your new home in just a few varga."

He was plain and to the point, the only good trait you ever could think of in this pure blooded Galra bastard that dragged you about when ever he felt like it, like you where is personal toy for fun and by the looks of it he had all intent on seeing you off."

-"I think I'll even give you a nice goodbye present"

That never meant anything good. With Kreig it was always and only pain and suffering and when he patted the rolled up whip at his side you knew what his idea of 'goodbye present' meant. 


-"Now, now. I can't let my favorite slave forget about me, now can I?"

You wanted to weep and scream and beg for help, from anyone, anyone at all but after so many years spent here you knew there would be nobody here to help you out of this.

He latched onto the mess of your hair, that you where sure was caked with your sweat, dirt and blood over these years. Once every now and then they buzzcut all their slaves like sheep regardless what they are or from where  you come from,  but your hair had not been buzzed for a bit so it was to your shoulder, long enough for Kreig to grab onto and drag you like a bag  that sometimes whined in pain.

With that he dragged you back to the other side of a service building, you knew the area well. Sometimes you'd see visitors there, of course none visiting you and close by enough was a ship yard where arrivals left their ships while talking with the officials of the mines to talk about prices and other things concerning export and import and so on. None of that you understood but you knew at least that much what was already more than most of those that slaved away in these mines. 

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