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"Where?" Jisoo asked as she popped her head out of her room

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"Where?" Jisoo asked as she popped her head out of her room.

"The newly opened waterpark!! It was opened yesterday and many people recommended it!" Jungkook said while showing the picture of the waterpark.

"It looks fun!!" Lisa exclaimed excitedly. "Of course it is babe." Jungkook said, back hugging her. "Eww! Get a room." Rosé said as she gave the couple a disgusted look. "Says the one who is sitting between Jimin's thighs." Jungkook said while rolling his eyes at her.

"Why you Jungle boo-"

"ENOUGH!" Jin shouted, stopping the two before they both cut each other's head.

"Jisoo?" Jin called out to his girlfriend. "We should go. I'm pretty bored too." 

The younger ones cheered happily and ran to their room to pack for the trip. "Come on Yoongi! Wakey wakey~" Hobi said while pulling the older who didn't seem like in the mood to move around. Hobi sighed and walked to his hyung, the only one who can wake Yoongi up.


"All set!" Namjoon shouted after he successfully placed his luggage at the back of the big car they are taking.

"All of you took your belongings right?" Jisoo questioned. Everyone nodded. "Then let's go!"


The ride to the waterpark was full of groans while Jin and Jisoo shared their dad jokes.

"Hyung focus where you are driving! We wouldn't wanna be lost!" Yoongi said as Jin almost drove to the wrong lane.

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