|10| pǝddɐɹʇ

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Namjoon and Hoseok ran to the shut door, pulling it open but never did it budge

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Namjoon and Hoseok ran to the shut door, pulling it open but never did it budge. "Shit! It's locked!" Namjoon muttered as he hit the door with his shoulder wondering why his god of destruction side couldn't break it open.

The millions of grey rats turned their attention looking at the 2 with eyes filled with hunger. The 2 could only gulp and hit the door harder but the thing is; The door produced no sound.

Weird right?

It's a wooden door. A hollow part inside the door filled with silverfishes, roaches, spider and even more but no sound produced.

Their eyes jolted towards the window just beside the place where all the million of rats lusted to get a taste of their delicious blood and meat.

The both looked at each other and as if telepathy worked, both sprinted towards the broken window and jumped. The rats too scurried behind them, hoping not to lose their prey. Hoseok managed to perfectly jump down but he got a small scratch at his index finder in the process of escaping while Namjoon. 

Because of his clumsiness, he tripped causing the rats to smirk evilly.

Namjoon stood up and stumbled his way towards the broken window and unfortunately he jumped with only his shoulder on his right to get scratched real badly. The cut was deep as blood oozed out resulting the rats watching it to lust even more.

"Joon, you all right?" Hoseok asked worriedly as he took his handkerchief which was in his pocket and place it on his shoulder, hoping the blood and gore won't ooze even more.

"I'm fine. It only hurts." Namjoon said while wincing. Hoseok looked at him worriedly and said, "Let's bring you to hyung."

Namjoon nodded and stumbled, due to the pain, while walking in this unknown yard. Crops all dead as if it didn't rain for years and grass so long as if it's a pointy nail belonging to one of the devils under where they stood. They turned their backs but only to be faced with a forest. "There was a building here!" Hoseok said aloud while looking around.

"Where are we even at?!" He shouted resulting all the crows on top of trees to fly away while letting out a creepy crow howl.

"Hoseok calm down. We can find them. It's not like we will be trapped here."

"Calm down?! You expect me to calm down when my bud right here is injured and we are at some random forest away from our friends?!" Hoseok said furiously. He was panicking so much that they didn't notice the old man who gave them the directions standing behind the scarecrow with a creepy smile which showed his yellowish and black teeth.

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