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Jisoo, Jin, Jennie, Taehyung sat on the dirty floor searching through their phones for help while Yoongi slept, his head laying on Tae's lap

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Jisoo, Jin, Jennie, Taehyung sat on the dirty floor searching through their phones for help while Yoongi slept, his head laying on Tae's lap.


The 4's head turned behind to see what it was while Yoongi abruptly jolted his head up, in the process knocking his head with Tae's chin. Both of them groaned silently as the looked out the window.

"G-guys, do y-you h-hear th-that?" Jennie asked. Yoongi rolled his eyes and snapped. "Isn't it obvious as to why I'm awake as well." Jin smacked the back of Yoongi's head causing him to groan again.

"Guys do you see that?!" Jisoo exclaimed, pointing to the white, blurry figure in between the trees opposite them. 

The trees were in a frightening position as well. Pointy branches outward from the trunk as the leaves of the trees were dead. Cut down trunks laying on the ground while the blue light produced by the moon seeped through the little holes from the top.

The rain was making the atmosphere even worse.

The flash of lightning every minute made the 5 human beings' skin jump out. Then comes a banging like someone is taking a sledge hammer to the roof and in time with the noise a few shafts of weary light are making shadows on the walls.

 Then comes a banging like someone is taking a sledge hammer to the roof and in time with the noise a few shafts of weary light are making shadows on the walls

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They squinted their eyes and just when Yoongi could catch what it was, the figure moved back, soon vanishing.

"That's scary." Taehyung said as he clutched his shoulders.

"A person can't do that.... and we cannot hallucinate as all of us seeing at the same time... If we are seeing this, what did Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Lisa and Rosé see...?" Jin trailed off. Fear and concern was evident in his voice as he imagined what the younger has to see.

Jisoo gulped as she stood up.

"I have a bad feeling. I'm gonna search for the girls while you search for the boys."

But then something unexpected happened.

As Jisoo took a step, someone abruptly pulled her causing her to fall and hit the ground. She was pulled onto the wooden floor while Jin went after her. The 3 stood shock, unable to process everything.

But Jin ended up getting pulled.

Jennie screamed as she clutched onto Taehyung but what made the 2 standing shocked more shock and scared as hell. Something so unexplainable was that;

Her scream was silent.

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