|16| ʇou ɹo

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All the 11 in individual rooms, stood up and walked towards the wooden door that locked them in. 

Each of them placed their hand on the doorknob. They took a deep breath and took in every energy of braveness in their body and just when they were about to open the door, the door opened by itself and the 11 individuals stumbled out and landed on the ground.

Hoseok groaned. Namjoon grunted and Jennie was cursing under her breath to the person who ruined her Chanel shirt. I mean, it was the brand new! She just bought it the day before she got locked in this abandoned stupid house.

Rosé rubbed her head and tried standing up but Lisa was on Rosé when they fell so the position is Rosé in the bottom, her face getting squashed by Lisa who was on top of her.

"Yah! Get off of her!" Jimin growled at the girl with bang. Lisa sighed and grumbled before she pushed herself off of the ground.

Jin was hugging Jungkook when he fell out of the door and being scared, he grabbed the nearest object around him which was Jungkook and now is crushing the muscle pig's muscles.

"H-hyung. Let go o-of m-me!" He choked as he tried pushing the older who wasn't even loosening the grip but instead is tightening it.

Jisoo ran her hand through her hair before she pushed herself up and moved towards her boyfriend. "Jinnie, you're choking him!"

Yoongi on the other hand completely fainted or that was what the rest thought. Yoongi was just gaining his consciousness after the fight with many cats. Can't believe he was fighting with his own family. Cause he is a cat.

Taehyung sighed and quickly walked towards Jennie who was sitting between Namjoon and Rosé. He settled beside her, pushing Namjoon away and hugged her.

"We got to get out of here." Yoongi muttered as he pushed himself up. Hoseok nodded in agreement and the rest muttered words.

They all stood up and brushed the dust off of their pants or jeans before they made their way to the stairs but froze in their place immediately at the sound of laughter behind them and sound of kids running.

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