|7| sɹǝʍolɟ pɐǝp

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The 11 friends turned around in fright when the door slammed with great sound which echoed through the house. They sighed as they knew that it was the wind causing the door to slam so they turned back.

The wooden floor creaked as they walked. Once inside, a thick coating of dust and mold coats everything. The 11 stepped tentatively, as there are already several dark holes where floorboards have snapped, weak from mold and pressured downwards by the weight of the gigantic dust bunnies that have formed. Cobwebs brush their face as they stepped deeper into the house.

"This house is so messy!" Hoseok said as he placed his hands on his hips, frowning at the sight of the house.

"Then is the house supposed to be clean and sparkly?" Yoongi asked with some obvious tinted sarcasm in his words at Hoseok's words. Hoseok scoffed at his partners words and focused on his own.

"Let's not go far alright?" Jin said.

"Can me and Rosé explore around here?" Lisa asked while pulling Rosé's hand. "Call Jimin and Jungkook to accompany you." Jisoo said, not looking at the two maknae. "Thanks unnie!" Rosé and Lisa said in unison before finding Jungkook and Jimin.

"Follow us!" Lisa yelled at Jungkook and Jimin. "Where?" Jimin asked, holding onto Taehyung's hand. "To explore." Rosé replied. Both males nodded and followed the 2 girls who walked up the dusty stairs.

The wooden steps creaked at every steps the 4 placed. 


Jimin jumped back in shock and fear when the wooden floor squeaked instead of creaking.

"Hyung, it's a rubber ducky." Jungkook reassured his hyung before pulling him to the 2 girls ahead of them.


The 4 heads bolted to the side swiftly, looking wide eyes at the door opposite them.

"It can't be the wind right?" Lisa asked as she walked towards the door but got pulled from Rosé.

"Don't go anywhere alone." Rosé said with fear tinted in her voice but Lisa didn't notice it. Lisa chuckled, "There's no such thing as ghosts if you are gonna say that. Now come on! Let's see the reason for the creaking of the door." She pulled Rosé in the room, loosing the 2 boys who wandered off somewhere.

The 2 stepped in the room when suddenly a thing dropped in front of them, making the two to jump backwards. Rosé bent down and examined it while Lisa looked up, wide eyed. A inaudible gasp leaving her mouth while Rosé muttered.

"A.. dead flower?"

Describing is hard-

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