|17| spıʞ

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They stopped.

No one had the guts to turn around and find out the cause of the sound and footsteps. They were frozen still. 

Gulping, Namjoon looked over his shoulder and heaved a sigh upon seeing nothing. "It's nothing guys." He muttered to the rest, wiping the beads of sweat that formed in the short period of time he stood still as water.

"Come on guys, let's get the hell out of here!" Jennie said, pulling Taehyung down the stairs, followed by Yoongi. Everyone reacted fast too, Jimin pulling Rosé. Jungkook pulling Lisa. Hoseok pulling Namjoon. Jin pulling Jisoo. They walked, no, rushed down the stairs that creaked every 000.1 seconds when any of the foot of the members stepped.

"Shit!" Yoongi muttered, eyes and mouth wide opened. Jennie and Taehyung cursed under their breaths too at what Yoongi saw while Hoseok and Jin hugged each other, calling help from their beloved mommy whom I doubt can hear their cries from all the way at Seoul.

There stood, 2 kids. One female and male obstructing the door to exit from the creepy house. They had no eyes. Their eyeballs just beside their foot. The now no-eyes eyes stared at the 11 members deeply. 

Rosé yelped back in fright, followed by Lisa, Jisoo and Jennie

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Rosé yelped back in fright, followed by Lisa, Jisoo and Jennie. The 4 girls hugged each other tightly in fright while the 7 boys stared at the 2 ghostly kids in fright, not knowing what to do. None of them moved except their 11 pairs of blinking eyes and their chest heaving up and down to breathe to keep them alive as well as the 2 kids strangely tilting their heads to creep them out. 

"Muahahahaha!" The two kids laughed out creepily. Jimin jumped back, hugging Jungkook who was beside him in fright. Suddenly,


The 2 kids vanished.

"Holy-" Yoongi muttered but got silenced by Jin who started to hug him tightly. To be exact, choking him.

"Guys we have the opportunity now!" Rosé yelled, noticing the door to escape the creepy place they've should have never entered in the first place free. 

They all gulped looking at each other, nodding.

Jungkook was the first to race towards the door. He roughly and harshly opened the door, holding it open for the 11 girls to get out first. "Quick!"

They all went out with Jennie rushing out first, followed by Rosé, Lisa and Jisoo then the boys. Jimin and Hoseok got out together, followed by Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and lastly Yoongi and Jungkook.

Just as Jungkook wanted to shut the door, the door slammed itself making Jungkook who had the grip on the doorknob to fly and hit the ground. "Ouch." He muttered silently.

"Come on Jungkook!" Hoseok yelled. Jungkook nodded and pushed himself up, eyeing the house one last time before he rushed into the sardine packed car.

"Quick! Quick! Hit the damn pedal hyung!" Jimin muttered to Jin who was starting the car. "Wiat up dwarf!" Jin mumbled under his breath.

"Yes!" Jin finally yelled. He stepped onto the pedal and the car moved.

However, the car speeding slowed down at one point of the forest and Jin can't speed it up.

"G-guys, look!" Rosé muttered, pointing out of the window to a leaf-less tree with numerous kids sitting on it, staring at the 11 with bloodshot eyes.

"G-guys, look!" Rosé muttered, pointing out of the window to a leaf-less tree with numerous kids sitting on it, staring at the 11 with bloodshot eyes

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"Ugh! Speed up car!" Jin mumbled, hitting the pedal multiple times. At 5th try, the car finally sped up, getting away from the creepy house and kids.

The story is gonna end soon!

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