|13| pǝʞɔol

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After standing still, not being able to process, Yoongi moved forward to grab Jisoo but someone pulled him

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After standing still, not being able to process, Yoongi moved forward to grab Jisoo but someone pulled him.

Taehyung grabbed Jennie close. He didn't want anyone to pull her. He wanted to move forward to grab one of his hyungs and Jisoo but it would be futile. So he tried to save the last person which is Jennie.

He wanted to help but he's afraid. After seeing his hyungs and Jisoo being dragged while their screams were inaudible. He's scared.

He then heard silent sobs so he pulled Jennie close to him and let her cry. "We shouldn't have entered this house! Everything thing is falling part! Our friends..." Jennie cried.

But they didn't notice a pair of glowing red eyes behind the wall staring right through them. "Oh you should've entered. It's just the beginning."

Both Jennie's and Tae's head shot up and looked around

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Both Jennie's and Tae's head shot up and looked around. "Who said that?!" Taehyung shouted but was responded with a eerie silence. They gulped and looked at each other and around the living room when an item dropped in front of them. Just as they wanted to bend down and examine it, they were hit on the head and fell backwards before all they met was BLACK.

On the other hand, Hoseok and Namjoon were thinking hard. They were in a unknown forest or farming place trapped.


A creepy laugh made its way to the 2. Shivers ran down their spine as they frantically looked around finding the culprit who produced the laugh but no one was seen. Well, at least for them.

*tap tap*

They both turned around so fast. Faster than Usain Bolt and stared at the old man who was smiling at them and showing his disgusting yellow-brown broken teeth.

Both of them was staring at him till Namjoon gasped.


The old man turned his gaze which was on Hoseok to Namjoon and tilted his head before letting out and even more creepy laugh. "Bravo! You've finally realize who I am." The old man smirked leaving both the boys confused,.


The two boys fell on the ground and held their head. Namjoon pointed to the man and mumbled, "Y-you are a m-monster!"

The old man kicked Namjoon in the stomach making him whimper. "I've been worse.."

As Hoseok was about to say something, his eyes shut closed. Namjoon too passed out and all they saw was BLACK.

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