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As the 4 left, Jisoo, Jennie, Taehyung and Jin went aside and sat down on the filthy floor while Yoongi followed behind, looking on the ground to see any piece of the floor not dirty so he could sleep

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As the 4 left, Jisoo, Jennie, Taehyung and Jin went aside and sat down on the filthy floor while Yoongi followed behind, looking on the ground to see any piece of the floor not dirty so he could sleep.

The 94 liners instead decided to discover the house even more so they walked into the house filled with cobweb and furniture which seemed as if it went through a huge wave as everything's been toppled over.

Out of the blue, a door slowly started creaking a little which made both the two to jolt their heads towards it. The door had overgrown branches covering it as if it was warning them off, but nothing is able to stop curiosity, isn't it true? 

Hoseok, being the scared one, decided to check it out. It's time for him to get over him the fact he keeps getting petrified at nothing so he went towards the door and pulled away the branches without a sweat and opened the slightly opened door. It made a creaking noise like every abandoned house did. Both went in but never expected the door slamming shut behind them. It's just the wind. 

Namjoon and Hoseok thought and tried to convince themselves.

A foul stench invaded their nostrils as they looked around to see where the smell was coming from and nearly vomited at the sight. It was a body, a bit of flesh was still there being eaten by the millions of grey rats. 

Before they know it, a scream left their mouth.

But the thing is;

It was...silent...

SILENT SCREAMS: Begin |blacktan|Where stories live. Discover now