|15| uoısnllı

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In a blink of an eye.

Everything disappeared.

Lisa fell out of the wooden closet with a thump.

The blood oozing out of Rosé's hand reversed back into her wound and there was no mark. All the knife also vanished.

The giant teddy bear opposite Jennie turned small out of the blue and the blood stain and everything on the bear just disappeared.

For Jisoo, everything; such as the table and chairs and bed everything appeared in the room all of a sudden. She wasn't alone anymore.

With the boys...

The closet vanished and Jin fell with a loud thump making the scary spider in front of him awake and just as it was going to pounce on it, it disappeared.

With Yoongi, all the black cats suddenly turned into white and all disappeared except one, which was looking at him with baby black clear eyes.

The snake wrapping around Hoseok's neck turned into a stem of a dead flower and the snake fell in front of him dead, making him jump back in fright.

Namjoon on the other hand, the butterfly turned undead. It fluttered its wings and turned smaller, flying away, leaving Namjoon still with the scratches.

The 95's liner's efforts paid off with every little step they took to get close to each other because the metal pole with the spikey arrows separating them vanished and both of them ran to each other, hugging so tightly.

Jungkook on the other hand was just about to dodge the arrow that was aiming towards his eye but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a burst balloon and he jumped back at the loud ear deafening sound.

They walked around, stepping on everything but nothing happened. It was nothing.

It is an illusion.

But is it...? 

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