Chapter 1

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Heads up I don't own anything except my OC Higashi. Have fun reading and sorry if there's something spelled wrong or something I suck at writing so don't get ur hopes up. Good luck!

The Strawhats plus Princess Vivi docked on an island, to gather supplies, named Sylivuur. The island looked like it was stuck in 16th or 17th century Japan. Luffy, being Luffy, immediately went to find the first restaurant he could, but this time Sanji and Nami ended up being side by side with him making sure he didn't do anything stupid. The rest went around to find supplies. When they came upon a small restaurant named The Light of The Sea they were pleasantly surprised to see it was nearly empty.

The shop looked like an average one, with oak walls and bamboo plants on the inside on either side of the door which wasn't even a door. It was just a rectangular hole in the wall with short fabric hanging from it which was white. There were four or five tables with two to four chairs each. At the back of the shop, or what was visible for customers, was the kitchen. It wasn't closed off like usual, instead there was a little hole in the wall separating the eating space with the kitchen so you could see the food being made. There weren't many workers there, only about two from what the pirates could see.

The one thing that stood out the most was the person serving the food. He has a soft face with eyes that are always closed. He looked to be in his early twenties. His hair is well kept and silky. It's short and silver. He has a beauty mark under his right eye. He wears a smile on his face. He wears a Black kimono(it's anime kimono) which has a white one on top that was opened, with red floral print at the tips which reaches both inside and outside of the fabric. The white is only on the outside thought. A red ribbon around his waist (the image at the top of the page). He looks up from serving food to meet the eyes of the three new customers, one of which was drooling while one was swooning and another just blushing. One thinking that this server was a female which was a common mistake. The three were entranced by this man.

"Hello." he began snapping them out of their daze. "You must be new here, your attire is not of this land. Please come sit down." He gestured to the hole in the wall which had four stools and a small lip of wood used as a table. The three of them walked over, two calmer than the other.

"My name is Higashi, Akimitsu. I'm guessing you're travelers, there are spare bedrooms upstairs if you need a place to stay. Now, what would you like to eat?"

Meanwhile, with Vivi, Usopp, Chopper and Zoro...

The three of them were walking around town gathering supplies. Vivi looked deep in thought at every shop passing by. Some seemed to have some sort of damage while others were fine.

"What is it Vivi?" asked Chopper

"Huh? What?" she asked, being snapped out of her thoughts, looking down at the reindeer

"You look like you've been thinking up a storm. What's on your mind?" He asked again,

"Nothing, it's just... I find it odd that some of these buildings are damaged." She pointed out,

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it, there are damaged buildings." Usopp began, but once a thought came to mind he immediately went coward as his legs began to tremble and he hid behind Zoro, "You don't think... there were monsters do you?!"

"Oh no! We have to hurry and leave! What if we die?!" Chopper exclaimed in fear as well.

"I doubt it." Said Zoro going to a villager who looked at him and coward in fear under the scowl etched on Zoro's face that seemed to never leave. Vivi stepped in between the two of them looking at Zoro,

"Please Mr. Bushido, let me."

"Yeah Zoro, you're too intimidating." commented Usopp

"Whatchu say to me long nose?!" Zoro yelled stomping over to Usopp, who began to run away but was stopped when Zoro grabbed him by the nose, not before beating him to a pulp.

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