Aiz's Love Awakens Chapter 1

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Hi All. A certain user YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! STOLE this story from fanfiction. I was rather annoyed at that, so had a DMCA take down notice issued. I thought it best to republish my work here in order to protect it. So, this is my first ever attempt at writing, my skills greatly improve as this story progress's. And for those who were reading the STOLEN version in Spanish? Well you were promised 16 chapters and only got 4? Well, here is all 16 so far. Enjoy!

Everything from this point is the original text as posted on fanfiction.

Hi All. This is my first time writing anything and I do mean it, I have never attempted to write a story in my 39 years of life. I was really inspired by some of the authors here (Ca1Piggy, LuckyRabb1t, Ashbel Longheart thank you SO MUCH for your work and your inspiration)

I have no idea how to write, so I sketched an outline of the story I wanted to tell. As I was doing that the words suddenly started flowing.

So all criticism is welcome, but please be nice. Everyone is bad the first time right? I'm not really a story ideas kind of guy either, so don't expect much output from me, I just had this idea in my head. I sat down and suddenly here it is.

I hope you enjoy - Webweasel

Warning: This is an erotic story, but I tried to keep the amount of that down to a minimum. However it is a story about Aiz waking up to her sexuality.

Chapter 16 edit: For those reading for the first time, the 'story' really begins at chapter 6. The first few chapters are me finding my feet as an author, so expect the quality to go up. What started as this one shot chapter is now becoming quite an epic story, we deal with Bell's PTSD from the 37th floor and the current synopsis I have written for this story takes us to Bell's death from old age at around 250 years old.

This story takes place during LN15 after Bell has recovered from his broken arm and levelled up to level 5.

Orario. The greatest city in the world, or so the rumours say. A towering wall surrounds the city, not to keep people out, but to keep monsters in.
On top of these walls in the blazing noon sun, two figures can be seen sparring. The first in shining silver armour and a blue battle skirt is a stunning beautiful girl. Her golden eyes reflect the colour of the sun, he hair the same colour glows in the light. Her movements are lithe and precise as she spars with the second figure. From a distance it almost looks like the girl is fighting a giant rabbit. Closer to the scene it's obvious that, that is no rabbit. It's a young man with white hair and red eyes. He wields two daggers, but is only wearing boots and trousers.
The top half of him is naked.

It was pleasantly warm in the morning as they had started their regular training session, but the heat of the day had been increasing and Bell thought it was unbearable to fight in armour in this blaze. The fact that his shirt was black was no help at all, so it was quickly ditched in the late morning of the session. The heat had gotten to Aiz as well, she had removed her breastplate and was wearing a simple sleeveless top and blue battle skirt.

Aiz's fighting had been a little off since he removed his shirt. For some reason she found this very distracting, when she should be fighting she found herself staring at Bells chest. 6 months of Dungeon diving and practice with her had developed his body. His shoulders were broad and well muscled his chest was the same. Chiselled to perfection from the brutal conditioning of the dungeon.

It took a while for any adventurer to get used to a level up and Bell had only levelled up the night before. This days practice was to see how his new level 5 status would develop as he got used to his quicker senses and reaction time.

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