Aiz's love awakens chapter 24

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You guys really loved the omake chapter huh? If I have funny idea's again like that, Ill be sure to write some more. Have to admit, it was a lot of fun writing Bell and Ottar going drinking together.

OK so now we start the next arc of the story.

This arc will prep Hestia Familia so they actually have a chance at fighting the dragon. We also introduce two new characters as part of this. Primo Libera and Emma Flores. Both are from the defunct online game DanMachi Orario Rhapsodia, so you can look up their pictures and stat's on the danmachi fandom wiki. Guilty admission: My use of these characters was very heavily influenced by another fanfiction: Heroic Myth by Harouki. It's a great cross over with Fate/Stay night and Danmachi, with Bell finding the holy grail in the dungeon and summoning seven servants to be his Familia members. It's one of the best Danmachi fanfictions I have read, so if you don't know it go look it up. It has almost 5000 followers!

As well as the influence from that story, I felt Hestia Familia need a dedicated mage (Primo) and Emma's skill, well. It's going to be a key plot line for the attempt to kill the OEDB, but not in the way you might think. I'm going to change it up a little from canon, though the basics of it will be the same. However, its going to lead to quite an interesting interaction between Ottar, Hestia Familia and Freya. Bell is going to have to make a sacrifice for something he will need from Freya. And depending on your perspective, this might be the worst thing that could happen to Bell, or the best. It simply depends on your opinion of Freya.

Aiz's love awakens chapter 24

A couple of weeks later.

Autumn had begun in Orario and the mornings were noticeably cold. The city was enjoying an Indian summer though, so the days were bright and warm. Today especially was one of those days, the hot sun shining down strongly, making people seek shade where they could.

Hestia was on her lunch break. As usual, she had gone to sit in the local park, one of her favourite places in the city. Exploring the city one day, she had found this place. It was very close to her Jagamarukun stand but had taken her ages to find. It was a few minutes away from the main street, tucked away in the back alleys of Orario, so unless you knew it existed or were lost, chances are you would never find it.

Hestia had got lost one day and found herself there by accident. She fell in love with the place, it was a Guild maintained park and was well looked after. It was small, barley thirty meters in each direction, but it was nicely cultivated with plants and bush's selected so that there was always something flowering no matter what the time of year was.

Far enough from the main streets to escape the bustle of the city, it was almost silent except for the tinkle from the fountain in the centre. Hestia loved it, it was her tranquil little escape from the world. It felt to her, very much like her temple back up in tenkai.

Having finished her lunch, she was laying in the shade of one of the oak trees and was half asleep. Gently dozing, enjoying the last few days of the warmth of summer.

As she dozed, she became vaguely aware of two voices. There were a few people who came here regularly and she knew them all, neither voice was one she recognized.

Curious, she cracked open an eye, then with a stretch and a yawn, sat up to get a better look.

Two very depressed and worried looking girls were sitting on the bench next to the fountain.

The larger of the two, who Hestia thought looked around fifteen to sixteen years old was a pretty human girl with pink hair and eyes. She was around Lefiya's height.

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