Aiz's Love Awakens chapter 28

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Aiz's love awakens chapter 27

The first thing Primo and Emma noticed as they stepped out onto the street as the headed to the dungeon with the rest of Hestia Familia were the whispers and the stares. They had noticed it yesterday, as they went equipment shopping with Bell. An odd comment from a shop keeper now and then, a few people who knew Bell coming up and asking who the pair were. What they didn't expect and didn't know yet, was that they were already a subject of rumour around the city. Since becoming so famous after the wargame and especially since claiming Aiz in front of the whole city before his fight with Bete, all kinds of rumours and gossip began to fly about the young man. He was especially getting a reputation for being a bit of a playboy. Known to be dating the sword princess, other rumours began during the week he had been training Lefiya. The fact that Hestia Familia were mostly girls before Emma and Primo joined only made the rumours worse. Although he was never seen flirting or even touching other women, it was obvious to many who saw him around just how many girls were after the rabbit.

As such, while they walked to the dungeon for the first time as Hestia Familia members, people were fascinated. It took around twenty minutes to get from the Hearth Mansion to the dungeon entrance and by the time they arrived they had a small crowd of civilians and adventurers following them.

"Is... is it always like this?" Emma asked out loud as they came to a halt in front of the dungeon entrance.

"Pretty much since the war game." Welf replied. "But this is a lot worse than usual. I guess people are curious who you two are. Considering the reputation Bell has now, it's not really a surprise."

"It's quite unnerving." Emma complained. She wasn't used to this kind of attention at all and she was pretty sure she didn't like it. It was kind of nice to just be a face in a crowd she realised at that moment.

"It's something you will have to get used to." Bell said with a smile. "I have to admit, I wasn't very comfortable with it when I first started getting recognized around the city, but overtime it just became an every day thing."

"Oh." He stopped for a moment and turned.

"Freya Familia are coming this way." He said, having felt the presence of Ottar and several other strong adventures approaching.

"Hmmm..." He stood and thought for a moment fingers curling around his chin.

"What's jogging your noggin?" Welf asked with a grin.

"Well, if we go down at the same time as Ottar, nothing will spawn. I'm pretty sure that if both of us are on the same floor at any time everything will go dead quiet. It will annoy a lot of the low level adventurers and potentially ruin any chance to train our new recruits."

"Yeah. I see your point." Welf replied as he shifted the weight of his great sword resting on his shoulder.

"Ahh. Here they come, gimme a minute, I'm gonna have a chat with Ottar."

Lili gave a facepalm. "Bell... you have to be the only person in this city who would consider a casual chat with Ottar."

Bell flashed her a grin and set off heading in Freya Familia's direction.

"Morning Ottar." Bell called out as he jogged up to the giant boaz.

"Bell." Ottar simply gave the rabbit a respectful nod.

"What do you want rabbit brat?" Allen sneered as he spoke and spat on the ground indicating his disgust with Bell.

"You know what Allen?" Bell frowned at the cat man. "I was actually going to take this opportunity to thank you for the moment you saved Syr and the orphans from that barbarian. You were right back then, I wasn't strong enough to even protect the girl."

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