Chapter 14

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A/N I can't quite believe how much I enjoy writing. I'm also really enjoying how stories write themselves. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm going to take this story a lot further. Hermes' comments in the earlier chapter really made me think about how far I can take this story. I'm considering taking this as far as Aiz and Bell killing the OEBD at least, perhaps even as far as Bell finally passing on at around 250 years old (We know the Falna slows ageing) head of the Cranel clan, with so many children, grandchildren etc that he can no longer keep up with who everyone is. So this chapter is a bit of a setup for that forward planning. Up until I started writing out the synopsis of the story, this chapter was only going to be a few paragraphs, but it turned into a life of its own. The synopsis I wrote is 833 lines long, this chapter only covered up to line 143, so I have a lot of content coming for you all in the future.


Aiz's love awakens chapter 14

A few hour before Aiz had her orgasmic wind explosion...

"I'm home!" Bell calls out as he gently shuts the door of the Hearth Mansion.

Hestia flew down the stairs at him like a missile, her twin tails flapping behind her.

"BELL-KUN I MISSED YOU!" she screamed at the top of her voice as she leapt up and grabbed him around the head, pushing her rather large assets into his face.

Instead of the usual struggle from an embarrassed Bell, he calmly placed his arm under her rear end to hold her up and gave her a smile.

"Hello Hestia." he said calmly.


She pulled back from his face and while still sitting on his arm stared at him.

"You did it again!"

"Did what Goddess?"

"You called me by my name!"

"And why aren't you all flustered?" She complained rubbing her bosoms in his face again.

But still, no spluttering or red face from Bell, he's rather calm despite having the giant mammary glands pushed up against him.

'Well, I did get used to having boobs in my face this weekend.' He thought to himself, thinking about a naked Aiz for a moment.

Hestia jumped out of his arms and stood looking at him seriously, hands on her hips.

She studied him up and down then did a full walk around him, as if examining him.

"There's something different about you Bell, you've changed somehow."

She looked deep into his eyes for a few seconds, then gasped.

"You've grown up! Your not my cute little Bell anymore! You have the scary face of a man!"

"Oh woe is me, is my cute Bell-kun gone forever?" She said clutching her hands to her chest with a sad pout.

"We all have to grow up sometime Goddess." He said as he bent down and kissed her on the forehead while giving her a head pat.

Hestia screamed with joy. Bell had just kissed her! Admittedly it was just a kiss on the forehead but he had kissed her!

She grabbed his hands and started dancing around in little circles.

"Bell kissed me! Bell kissed me!" She shouted out as she danced and giggled with happiness, this was a dream come true!

"Well, if it makes you that happy..." He kissed her on the forehead again.

"HAPPINESS OVERLOAD!" Hestia screamed he twin tails going wild, then she collapse into Bells arms, fainting.

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