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"I'm so fucking nervous Sam, what if I mess up?"

"You're going to be great y/n, just breathe."

"It's easy to speak-"

"y/n, come on. This is all you've dreamed of, and you're just an interview away-" Sam begins but you point a finger at him with an angry look, cutting him off.

"It's not just an interview, Sam! It can change my whole life. Oh my God, what if I start stuttering? What if I have a panic attack in the middle of it or-" You breathe out, pacing back and forth in your living room.

Your best friend chuckles and stops you, putting his hands on your shoulders, "Hey, hey, calm down. Look at me. You're going to be amazing! You're gonna show them everything you know and you're gonna answer their questions flawlessly, I know it. Better, I'm manifesting it."

"Did you seriously just use a social media slang?" You stifle a laugh, raising an eyebrow.

"Duh." He says playfully and you let out a giggle, "I see it worked, 'cause it made you smile."

"You're such a dork, what would I do without you?" You pull him into a tight hug, causing him to groan.

"Probably you wouldn't have anyone to insult, and you wouldn't squeeze me to near death every time you hug me."

You laugh again, "Oh, I love you too."

Sam took you to get some ice-cream before the interview, and a couple hours later, you're in front of the enormous fashion company building you'd be hopefully working for soon. The magnificence of it almost makes your nerves return, but you quickly shake them off.

"Ready?" Sam asks and you simply nod, taking a deep breath, "I'll be waiting right here, whether you leave crying or smiling like an idiot."

"Sam!" You shout, hitting him with your purse.

"Don't need to be violent, little lady." He protests and you giggle, "Now go get them!"

You walk through the glass doors and smile at the receptionist, informing you have an interview with Miss Kunis, and she nods friendly, accompanying you to the elevator, heading to her office. You take another breath as you follow the woman, watching her knocking three times on a door and opening it slightly.

"Miss Kunis? Sorry to disturb, but Miss y/l/n is here for the job interview."

"Ah, just in time! Send her in." Mila smiles, and you shyly enter the office, "Welcome y/n, please take a seat. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Kunis."

"Oh, please call me Mila. Even if you don't get the job, we don't bite here." She winks and you laugh slightly, feeling yourself relax a little, "So, shall we start? Please tell me when did you start liking fashion design and decided to study it?"

"Hum, well- It all started with my mother actually. She's been bold and different with her fashion choices ever since I have memory, and she kinda passed it to me. I remember I had a little prom in fourth grade and wanted to make something out of this fancy dress of hers which had pearls and lace on it." You chuckle at the memory and Mila smiles, "So alongside with school, she taught me incredible things about fashion, she taught me how to personalize my clothes, because she did it with hers as well, and then I started to design some of my ideias. I chose fashion design at college and couldn't be happier with my decision. Sorry if I'm rambling-" You say nervously after you finish but Mila shakes her head.

"That's a lovely story. I can see the passion in your eyes, which is a good sign." She assures and you nod.

The rest of the interview went on smoothly. You told Mila why you wanted to work at her company, that it had been your dream since you had gotten knowledge of it, with its unique and gorgeous designs. You even confessed your goal was to draw something for a celebrity someday. You thought she'd laugh at your naivety, but she just winked and said 'You never know'.

The shock came when at the end, Mila stood up and extended you a hand, "Well, I guess it's my pleasure to say 'welcome to the team, y/n'."


"SAM!" You scream as soon as you exit the building, causing him to almost drop his phone.

"Are you crazy?" He groans.

"Stop pouting, I made it! I got the job!"

"Holy shit, congrats! See, I told you!" He wraps you in a tight hug.

"Thanks. Oh my God, I can't believe this is real." You put your hands on your pounding heart.

"It's what you deserve. Let's celebrate!"


"Let's get milkshakes."

"But we got ice-cream earlier-"

"Shut up and let sugar make you even more happier." Sam interrupts and you laugh, nodding.

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