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"Knock, knock."

"You need to stop showing up without warning." You shake your head, and Harry chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"Get used to it." He winks, "I have a proposal."

"I'm listening."

"I need to talk to you about something, but not here... Let me take you out somewhere."

"Out... as in a date?" You try to tease casually, biting your lip.

"I was getting to that part, but I'm glad we're on the same page, love." Harry grins, extending a hand, "Come."

"I love the green." You point at his nails, "It goes with your eyes."

"Thanks." He blushes slightly, "I might start painting them more often... Someone told me to do so." He says and you smile, taking his hand, feeling warm inside.


"Holy shit, you've got a convertible." You gasp as you get to Harry's car, and he giggles, "What I am saying, of course you do, you're a freaking star-"

"Shut up and get in before I leave you here." He cuts you off, opening the door for you.

You laugh and do as he said, "I've never been in one of these before."

"Is that so?" He asks as he climbs into the driver's seat.

"Yes, but I've always wanted to, so thanks."

"My pleasure. Even if I didn't know about that wish." He makes a little bow to you, causing you to laugh.

"Harry." You look at him after a while.


"There's something I really wanna do but I'm not sure if I'm bold enough..."

He raises an eyebrow, but gestures for you to continue.

"I've always said that, if I could get into a convertible sometime, I would put the radio loud, stand up from my seat and pretend I could fly."

Harry smiles at you, a genuine big smile, dimples showcasing, "Do it, then."

"Are you serious?"

"Why not?" He shrugs.

"I was thinking you'd call me crazy."

"Well, what's the fun in being ordinary? Do whatever you want." He laughs, and you join him.

You press your lips together, "Do you mind if I play a One Direction song?"

"Oh? Didn't picture you as a fan." He teases.

"Seriously? I thought I was obvious. My favourite was Niall."

"Ouch." He pretends to be offended, and you nudge him friendly.

You laugh at him, picking up your phone and connecting it to his car's Bluetooth. His smile when you play Infinity is all you need to take off your seatbelt, standing up slowly, and screaming loudly as the car reaches a tunnel, while you raise your arms in the air.

 His smile when you play Infinity is all you need to take off your seatbelt, standing up slowly, and screaming loudly as the car reaches a tunnel, while you raise your arms in the air

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