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After the doctors check on him and assure him he'll be able to go home soon, the first thing Harry notices when he's alone is that his hair is still long.

'Well, y/n was supposedly the one who cut it, so of course it's still long.' His brain tells him as he tug the shoulder length curls.

He sighs heavily and flops back down on the hospital bed, wondering what the hell was going on. How was he able to imagine, to dream about all of that time after his actual accident? His album release, meeting you, loving you, the suits, the nails... He checks his fingers, finding his nails clean.

'I think pink is your colour...'  Your voice echoes inside his head, and he shuts his eyes, covering them with his hands, wondering if he's going insane.

Three days later, Harry's out of the hospital. Anne invites him to stay at her house for some time, and he kindly accepts. He didn't ask her about you again, she'd think he's crazy and probably send him back to the doctors.

But as he reconnects with the rest of his family and friends, he realises he did dream about it all during his coma. Sarah, Mitch, Jeff... Now one ever asked about you, they only talk about how worried they were about him and how much they missed him. He's slowly becoming desperate, and he swears he almost loses hope when he calls Mila and she says she never heard about a y/n y/l/n before.

'She's the first one that I see
She lives in daydreams with me
And I don't know why
I don't know where she is...'


"So, fancy a snack and a beer? I believe we have 'a lot' to catch up on." Mitch says in a teasing tone as he walks through the streets with Harry.

"Shut up." Harry rolls his eyes and nudges him, making him chuckle.

They approach Mila's fashion company, and Harry can't avoid glancing at it, sighing at the memory of the day he met you here. Well, in his dreams apparently.

He's so lost in his thoughts he doesn't notice the girl running in a rush who ends up bumping into him.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" You immediately apologize, looking up at the man you just collided with, "I have an interview here and I'm late-" Then your eyes widen, "You're Harry Styles. Oh my God, I just bumped into Harry Styles, I'm so sorry, I-"

You keep on rambling, but Harry doesn't hear. He stays there, with his eyes widened as well and his heart beating ridiculously fast as he takes you in.

No way.

"Calm down, it's okay." He whispers, clearing his throat, "This might seem weird, but have we met before?"

"I don't think so." You frown, "I don't bump into celebrities and forget about it very often."

He chuckles nervously, "Right, my mistake..."

"y/n." You smile, and he returns it, "Well, it was lovely to meet you, but I need to run, otherwise I won't get this job."

"Good luck with that. Mila and I are friends, so perhaps I'll see you around sometime..."

"Who knows?" You shrug, turning back and waving, "Bye!"

Harry waves back, biting his bottom lip, still feeling overwhelmed.

"Okay, what just happened?" Mitch speaks up, and Harry turns to him, grinning.

"Well, saw that girl Mitchell? I'm going to marry her one day."


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