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"Hey Harold-"

"I told you to not call me that, Jeff." Harry rolls his eyes.

"I bet you secretly love it." Jeff teases, "But anyways, I got some great news. The 'Another Man' magazine invited you to do a photoshoot for the album promo for when it's released."

"Well, that sounds a great idea, I guess."

"You guess? Don't you wanna watch your fans go nuts after you've been 'disappeared' for almost two years?"

"Don't talk about them like that." Harry nudges him, "I just prefer being a singer over being a model, is all."

"You could definitely make it as a model though, you have the shape for that." Jeff jokes and Harry shakes his head, "But back to subject, are you seriously interested in doing the photoshoot?"

"Sure, I admit I can't wait to be active again."

"Great! I'll inform them right now. And guess whose company was offered to design the outfits? Our friend Mila."

"Oh, haven't heard of her in a while! It'll be lovely to see her again."


Your first week of work was incredible. The atmosphere got chaotic sometimes, but there was no other place you'd rather be. You could free your creativity, and you had to admit it felt good having your skills recognized. You liked taking risks with your designs, either with classics or more specific pieces, you loved everything about it. Mila once called you 'little pearl', which made your heart melt and a laugh escape through your lips.

"y/n, just the person I was looking for." Mila smiles as she enters your room.

"Hey Mila, what's up?"

"Remember when you told me you'd love to work with a celebrity in your interview?"


"I have the perfect challenge for you, wanna take the opportunity?" She smiles and your eyes widen.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You speak and she chuckles.

"I think I am. A singer friend of mine is doing a photoshoot for 'Another Man', and they booked us to create the outfits. I believe this is a chance for you to get your name's a place in this industry."

"Oh my God, but Mila I've been here for only a week-"

"It's never too soon or too late to be recognized, sweetie."

"Oh, well- I guess I'm in, then!" You blurt out without thinking twice.

"Fantastic! Now come with me, he should be here any minute."

"Do I know him?" You ask, quickly grabbing your notebook in case you needed to take any notes.

"I'll let you see for yourself." She winks, and you nod, your hands slightly shaking as you follow her to the main room, "Oh, he's here!"

You spot a tall figure, with luscious brown curls that pass his shoulders, wearing a slightly unbuttoned shirt, black skinny jeans and Chelsea boots. He irradiated kindness and confidence, although he seemed a bit shy at the moment, and you didn't have to wait for him to take off his sunglasses, revealing bright green eyes, to realize you were meeting Harry Styles.

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