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Harry blinks twice, clearly surprised by your confession, and you quickly try to explain yourself, "I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I mean- I don't regret it, but I know it seems too soon to say it. You probably think I'm insane right now, but I do think I love you." You blurt out breathlessly, covering your face with your hands.

His small laugh and soft hands grabbing yours is what brings your attention back to him, "Well, I don't think I love you, angel. I'm absolutely sure I do." He admits, grabbing your cheeks and pulling you into a deep kiss, "I love you."


A month later, the night of Harry's first show arrives, and you're currently trying to persuade him to not put you in the VIP area of the crowd.

"Come on y/n, I wanna see your pretty face right in front of me." He whines, grabbing your waist, but you punch his chest softly.

"I don't think so, there's gonna be lots of screaming fans and-"

"What about it? You can freak out with them, because I know you will anyway." He teases, and you flip him off, "Don't make me ask Mitch to drag you out there."

"Mitch's a sweetheart, unlike you." You tell him, and he laughs, "Fine, I'll go, but only because I brought my camera so I can photograph your weird moves... Nice pants, by the way." You grab the device, which was hanging around your neck, and quickly snap a shot of the dragon pattern, running away and laughing as he tries to stop you.

"I'll let my designer know, she'll brag about it for days."

"I hate you!" You shout before leaving his dressing room.

"I love you too."


You don't remember being in a concert with such a chaotic and beautiful energy. Harry's fans were crazily energetic and it was easy to tell they were waiting for this for so long. The screams during the most upbeat songs like Kiwi and Carolina, the almost complete silence during Meet Me in the Hallway and From the Dining Table, and the shinning phone lights during Sign of the Times were something you know you'd remember forever. You could feel Harry's happiness every time he glanced at you and bit his lip, clearly overwhelmed by all the support, and you felt honoured you could witness it.


"There's my number one fan." Harry pulls you into a tight hug as soon as he meets you backstage.

"You were incredible! I'm so proud of you." You whisper to his hair.

"Why thank you." He giggles and leaves a small kiss on your neck before pulling away, "We're going to get some drinks, you're coming right?"

"Well you just left me a little sweaty so you'll have to make up to me somehow." You say dramatically, causing him to laugh and grab your hand, dragging you with him.

You found yourself in a bar that Harry and the band knew well and drinks were coming around in a span of minutes. You all sat down and had a light conversation before Sarah and Claire made you go to the dance floor with them. You blow Harry a kiss in your tipsy state and follow them, causing a grin to appear on his face.

"You're so in love, it's disgusting." Mich teases him, and Harry rolls his eyes but chuckles, "It's great to see you so happy, man."

Harry nods, pressing his lips together as he glanced at you dancing, "Well, see that girl Mitchell? I'm going to marry her one day."

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