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You text Harry ten minutes before the end of your shift so he could have time to arrive. You'd spent the whole day thinking about Mila's words. He just wanted to spend some time with you, it wasn't a date, right? You couldn't imagine yourself on a date with Harry Styles, you knew he was a normal person despite the fame, but he surely wasn't-

Your phone buzzes, interrupting your rushed thoughts. Harry had arrived, so you quickly gather your things, say goodbye to everyone and leave the building.

"Hello again." You smile as you climb into the passenger's seat.

"Hey." Harry smiles at you, "How was work?"

"It was good. Time flies when you're doing something you like, you know."

"That's true."

"Sooo can you tell me where are we going now?"

"Don't you like surprises?"

"Not really." You pout.

"Why?" He frowns.

"Not sure, guess they're not so good half of the time."

"What if you like this one? What do I get in return?" He smirks playfully.

"Remember I owe you one, so you can ask me anything, I guess." You laugh, shrugging.

"Hum, let's see how it goes then."

The drive is once again spent hearing music, but you decide to not sing this time, just mouthing the words, and secretly fangirling when Harry softly hums some parts of the melodies. He had a truly amazing gift, and you still wonder how the hell you ended up sitting next to him right now.

About forty minutes later, Harry pulls over in an unknown zone for you. You gasp when you get out of the car and spot a stunning field of sunflowers.

 You gasp when you get out of the car and spot a stunning field of sunflowers

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"Damn." You whisper, and Harry chuckles behind you.

"Come, there's a little cafe over there, we can buy some food and sit on the grass, how does that sound?"

"Lovely." You smile, and follow him.

The two of you buy some snacks and walk through the field until you find a good spot to settle. You look around, not being able to stop the grin on your face, "This is beautiful. How come you know this place?"

"I like to drive around on my days off and sometimes I find some wonders like this." Harry shrugs, "So, did I succeed with this surprise?"

"Oh, definitely. Good job, Mr. Styles."

"Thank you, Miss y/l/n."

"Did you think about what you want in return?" You ask and he looks at you for a second.

"Let's talk about you." He states and you frown in confusion, "I'm pretty sure you've heard and read all the information about me, so it's your turn."

"What makes you think I've seen what the media says about you?"

"Well, haven't you?"

You blush slightly, "Well- Maybe..." You murmur and he laughs, "In my defense, you literally take over the internet every time you do something."

"That's bigger than me... Even though many things aren't always fully true."

"I know, and I understand. That's why I always prefer to watch interviews in person from celebrities, they're the realest. Even though all they care about is love life sometimes."

"Tell me about it." He rolls his eyes, and you giggle, "How's that for you, by the way?"

"Oh, guess we're back to the 'my life' topic?" You joke and he nods, "I'm not that interesting. I've had a few boyfriends, but I mainly focused on my studies so I could get the job I have today. Also I think I'm too romantic to expect a love less great than those you find on classics."

"You're a hopeless romantic then, just like me."

You laugh, "Probably. If great love stories can happen in books, why is it so hard to have them in real life?"

"You know, there's this German word, Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz, and
its most literal translation is 'Destiny's treasure of a lifetime'. It's something that kinda clicks on your head when you find the right person for you. It travels through us like water of a river after a storm, filling and emptying us all at once. You feel it in your body, your hands, your heart, your belly, your skin... Have you ever felt that with anyone?" He questions.

"I... Don't think so?" You whisper, still a little overwhelmed by his words.

"If you need to think about it, then the answer is no." He concludes.

"And you're absolutely sure you'll find it?"

"Of course. Everyone finds it eventually, instantly or not. You just never know when or where."

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