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You open your Twitter, immediately finding the picture Sam was talking about

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You open your Twitter, immediately finding the picture Sam was talking about. You and Harry had gone to a little restaurant he knew, thinking he wouldn't be bothered, but obviously someone had snapped a photo and posted it everywhere, and his fans were already freaking out about who you were.

You sigh and quickly dial Sam's number, he picks up right away, "What do I do now?" You ask him.

"Just stay calm and don't say anything, they don't know it's you- what's that noise?"

You pull your phone away from your ear, putting the call on speaker as your notifications start to blow up, "Shit, they found my page! They're already asking if I'm a new girlfriend, Jesus."

"Damn, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to call Harry when I get to work, I don't want neither of us to get in trouble because of this."

You decide to turn your notifications off before your phone goes crazy, and drive to work. You were afraid this could happen, Harry could barely be seen with another woman without people making assumptions, but he certainly had female friendships, right? Maybe you weren't ready to admit it yet, but you didn't exactly want to stay away from him...

The last thing you expect when you pull over and get out of the car is to be approached by four men with cameras in their hands, filling you with blurred questions as they all speak at the same time.

"Miss, are you y/n y/l/n, the woman Harry Styles was seen with?"

"Could you explain the picture that's going viral on the internet?"

"Do you have any kind of relationship with Harry Styles?"

You swallow and look down, walking straightforward to the building of the company, "Excuse me, but I need to go to work-"

You hear the click of the buttons and walk faster, sighing in relief when you close the main door behind you and they finally go away after some minutes.



You jump in your chair as you recognize the deep voice, and ten seconds later Harry walks in.


"Are you okay? Mila called me and I came right away." He breathes out.

"I'm okay, you didn't have to worry, I just got a bit shaken up-" You interrupt yourself when he approaches you and wraps his arms around you tightly.

"I'm sorry." He whispers in your ear, and you breathe heavily, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as you hug him back.

"I just-"

"Calm down."

"I'm worried..."

"Don't be."




"I'm here."


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