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"Oh God." You gap at him, stepping away, "I'm sorry... I- I have to go-"

"y/n- y/n stop walking right now." You try to leave but Harry gently grabs your wrist, "y/n y/l/n, where the hell do you think you're going?"

You gulp, not looking him in the eyes, "I was going to call Sam and tell him I just kissed Harry freaking Styles. And I don't know what to do."

He laughs, shaking his head, "I think I have a better idea."

"I doubt that-"

"Fine, that was a better idea

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"Fine, that was a better idea." You whisper as he pulls away.

"Wasn't it?" He chuckles.

"I still don't know what to do now."

"Me neither, but we'll figure it out." He smiles, "I have to go now, see you for the Today Show suit fitting tomorrow?"


He nods, planting a kiss on your knuckles before leaving, and you let out a breath.

'Holy shit.' You think as you sit down, still immediately calling Sam to tell him what just happened.

You spent the rest of the day trying to occupy your mind with work. You hadn't spoken to Harry again, but now he should arrive any minute for the suit fitting, and you were a nervous mess. You had kissed him in a moment of vulnerability, but he didn't break it, and then he was the one who kissed you. How would things be like now? In his words, guess you'll figure it out.


"Hey you."

You glance up as Harry walks in with a smile, as always, looking ridiculously cute with a hat and patterned shirt.

"Hi, ready to try the suit on?" You question, trying to not blush as yesterday's kisses come to your mind again.

He had asked to draw his suit for the performance he'd have at the Today Show, and let you be totally free with it. You widened your eyes, protesting against it, but he waved you off, saying he trusted you and your creativity. And you admit you enjoyed it very much.

"Yes... Are you okay?" He asks you, frowning.

"Of course. I'm just excited for you to see it." You smile, biting your bottom lip, "Hurry up!"

"Yes ma'am." He salutes you, laughing, and you roll your eyes.

He enters the dressing room, coming out a few minutes later wearing the pink suit you'd made him, with a simple black shirt underneath, but he managed to look stunning anyhow.

He enters the dressing room, coming out a few minutes later wearing the pink suit you'd made him, with a simple black shirt underneath, but he managed to look stunning anyhow

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He stands in front of the mirror, a grin on his face as you approach him from behind, "I told you pink was your colour."

"You never fail to amaze me." He turns to you.

"Why thank you." You shrug shyly, "Now you look like a true gentleman.

"Is that so?" He smirks, stretching out his hand, "May I have a dance with the pretty lady?"

Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn red, "Harry-"

"Come on, don't overthink, just dance with me."

"We don't even have music!"

"That won't be a problem."

You chuckle, shaking your head as you take his hand, "Yeah? How will you solve it?"

"I'll sing for you." He states and your eyes widen again, "What's your favourite song from my album?" He asks, and you gap at him, "Come on, I know you've heard it."

"Narcissistic much?" You raise an eyebrow as he spins you around the room.

He laughs, "Just admit it."

"Fine... I think it might be Sweet Creature."

Shivers go down your spine as his deep raspy voice sounds in your ear, you both swaying slowly back and forth.

And in that moment you felt you could easily fall in love with him.

'Sweet creature, sweet creature, when I run out of road... You bring me home...' Harry finishes the song, making you lay down as you giggle, but when he pulls you back up, you both end up closer than you were expecting.

"y/n..." He whispers, eyes locking with yours.

"Harry." You whisper back.

"I think I want to kiss you again..."

"Then what are you waiting for?" You smile, and he does too, before pressing his lips to yours.

"Then what are you waiting for?" You smile, and he does too, before pressing his lips to yours

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