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You can't avoid feeling intimidated by his presence when he glances at you, but you swallow and try to keep yourself together. Of course you knew him, he was in one of the world's most famous boybands, and many people were wondering if him and the other members would start solo projects after their split. And now here he is, a few feet away from you.

Harry's gaze is pointed to Mila as she approaches him for a quick hug, "Harry! It's so nice to see you."

"Hey, it's been a while, yeah." He smiles.

"So we have a photoshoot now, uh?"

"Yup, Jeff convinced me into it." He rolls his and you stifle a laugh, but catch his attention anyways.

"Harry, this is my new employee y/n. She's not been here for long but she has an immense potential, I believe she'll be a great help."

"Hi." You smile shyly, taking a step forward, "It's lovely to meet you."

"Likewise." He shakes your hand, "If Mila trusts you this much, I'm sure you're very talented."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that-"

"She is." Mila cuts you off, and you feel your cheeks burn, "She takes bold choices, just as you've been doing these last times you were seen, am I wrong?"

"If you talk about the black and white floral suit again-"

"I actually liked it." You comment, and Harry looks at you, "I know it wasn't a people's favourite at the time, but I thought it was very pretty and different." You continue, "And the floral red one as well. I think patterns and vivid colours really suit you."

"Hum, thank you..." He murmurs shyly, and you nod, smiling.

"I knew you'd get along." Mila claps her hands, "Now, shall we go discuss these wanted outfits?"

The three of you head to Mila's office, and for a moment reality hits you: you'd be designing clothes for Harry Styles. Holy shit.

He was naturally elegant, even with the simplest outfits. You watch as he runs a hand through his hair, focusing your attention on his stunning rings.

"y/n?" Mila calls, and Harry turns to you, which causes you to snap back to reality. You quickly look down, blushing furiously at the thought that he might have caught you staring at him.

"Uh, sorry. I think I zoned out for a bit." You clear your throat, "What were you saying?"

"I asked if you had any idea for the project so far?"

"Hum, I'm not so sure..." You mumble, grabbing your sketchbook and flicking through the pages, "I'm actually a fan of 'Another Man' but-"

"Wait." Mila grabs your hand gently, "Can I see those ones?"

"Sure." You hand her the sketchbook, and she points at two designs.

" You hand her the sketchbook, and she points at two designs

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"I don't know about you Harry, but these are really good to me

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"I don't know about you Harry, but these are really good to me."

"Well, those are just something I've worked on in my free time-"

"I like them as well." Harry interrupts your nervous speech, "You're definitely talented."

"Thank you..."

"It's just the truth." He shots you a dimpled smile.

"So, you guys think the magazine will like this?"

"Surely." Mila agrees, "We just need some more designs around this style."

"I can't wait to work with you again, Mila." Harry says, standing up, "And you too, y/n."

You shake his hand once more, smiling, "I'm the one who should be thanking. I'll do my best."

"I'm sure that'll be amazing."


"What the fuck just happened?" You whisper-shout as soon as Harry leaves, and Mila chuckles.

"You'll be working with Harry Freaking Styles!"

"Yeah you can put 'Freaking' on it." You laugh, "Oh my God, I can't believe I didn't stutter."

"You're a fan?"

"I guess you can say that..."

She raises an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"He's one of my favourite singers, and celebrities overall." You admit, blushing slightly, "But please don't tell him I said that."

She laughs and runs two fingers along her lips, "My lips are sealed."

Please keep in mind I know nothing about how these things go lmaoo I'm just making it up by including Harry in the creative choices!

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