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You were going to spend the night at Harry's apartment, and your tipsy state made you bold enough to not take your hands off him during the entirety of the car ride. You couldn't stop giggling, touching his hair and poking his dimples, which caused Harry to laugh the whole time.

"Why can you pull off everything, it's not fair." You whine adorably as you both walk into his living room, running your hands along his chest over the shirt, "You're naturally hot, that should be enough."

Harry loved that you just didn't have a filter when you were drunk, "I could say the same about you." He pushes you softly against the wall, tugging the red material of your short dress as he leans closer to whisper in your ear, "Been dying to rip this off your body all night baby, can I?"

His raspy tone instantly makes your thoughts a lot more sober, and your breathing becomes heavier as you crash your lips with his. He hums into your mouth and grips your hips before pulling your legs up and around his waist, carefully carrying you to the bedroom. When you both eventually pull away in need of air, his hands reach the zip of your dress, slowly undoing it until the piece of clothing drops to the floor, revealing your black lingerie.

"Fuck." He curses under his breath, licking his bottom lip as his pupils grow darker, "Is that for me, baby?"

"Just for you."

You quickly find yourself laying on the bed with his body hovering over yours. Harry takes his shirt off, throwing it somewhere before kissing you, tracing his lips along your jaw and down to your neck, sucking gently your sweet spot and causing your body to tingle and a whine to escape from your mouth.

The rest of your clothes are discarded in seconds, you just let yourself get lost in the moment and your mind goes blank while Harry thrusts into you.

"I love you, shit- I love you so much." He groans as his pace quickens, pressing his forehead to yours and claiming your lips once again.

"I love you Harry." You gasp, throwing your head back as the pleasure invades you and your legs start trembling.

"My fucking perfect angel." He mumbles in your ear, and that's enough for you to find your release, him following you.

Harry flops down beside you, running his fingers through his hair, trying to catch his breath, "Fuck, you're going to be the death of me."

You chuckle, "Is that a bad thing?"

He looks at you, wrapping an arm around your middle and pulling you closer, pecking your temple, "Not gonna lie, it'd be a damn incredible way to go."

You laugh again, caressing his cheek as his eyes drift shut, thinking you couldn't live without this man in your life anymore.


Although it has already happened a few times, you don't think you'll ever get used to waking up next to Harry. His slightly parted lips and messed curls all over the pillow were always a heavenly sight. You support yourself with one elbow on the mattress as you watch him, and he stirs in his position.

"Stop staring at me, you creep." He whispers in his morning raspy voice, and you laugh and shake your head as he opens his eyes, "What were you thinking about?"

"Remember that stupidly long German word you once told me about?"


"Yeah. I was thinking you're it for me."

He frowns in confusion and you continue, "Remember all those things you told me one feels when they find their special person... Well, I feel all of it when I'm with you, you make me the happiest I've ever been... You're my destiny's treasure."

The grin on his face makes your heart somersault, and he pulls you into his chest, "It's an honour, beautiful. And I feel the same way... I love you, my Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz."

"I love you, too. And it's really hot to hear you speak German." You murmur against his lips as he kisses you.

He lets out a soft chuckle, "If you keep saying I'm hot I'm not going to let you leave this bed, and we have some things to do today, so get your pretty ass up." He says and you roll your eyes before getting up.

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