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Harry's presence was never unnoticed. You always could tell when he was arriving, because all heads turned to the door. It was like he had a natural magnet. And well, you couldn't blame him.

He waves at you, looking behind Mila who was approaching him, you smile and wave back, gathering your things and following the crew to the prepared photoshoot room.

"Told you we'd see each other again, love." Harry looks down at you, a dimple popping as she smiles.

"You must be a wizard then." You joke and he chuckles, "I'm curious to see your clothes."

"I believe you'll like them, but the major change is that I'll be cutting my hair."


He nods, "A big chop honestly. I've had it for so long but now I want a fresh start, and I always thought about donating it to charity so that's what I'm gonna do."

"That's beautiful, Harry." You tell him and his cheeks tinge with a soft pink, "Whoa, you're gonna look so different."

"In a good or bad way?"

"I'll tell you when I see it." You assure him and he laughs, nodding.

"You're joking?" Mila's voice catches the attention of you both. You frown in confusion when you see her sighing while she talks to someone from the team.

"Is everything okay, Mila?" You ask when she joins you and Harry.

"Not really. The hairdresser who was supposed to come to cut your hair got a sudden emergency." She turns to Harry, "We can't take the photographs this way..."

He shakes his head, "It's completely fine, we can reschedule-"

"I can do it."

They glance at you with raised eyebrows.

"You can?" Mila asks confused, and you nod.

"Yes, my dad had long hair too, and I used to cut it for him all the time because he didn't like to spend money on things he could do at home." You giggle, "My mom taught me how to do it, so I became responsible for it after she passed. I don't mind doing it, if it's okay to you, Harry?"

"Fine by me, as long as you don't chop one of my ears off." He teases and you nudge him, pretending to be offended.

"It's solved then!" Mila clasps her hands together, "I'll go get the stuff you need." She informs and you nod, before she walks away.

"You're sure you don't mind?" Harry asks you.

"Yeah, I like to help people when I can, so it's really no worries." You shrug, and he smiles.

You try not to act nervous when Harry takes off his shirt, so he wouldn't get hairs on it, and sits in a chair in front of the mirror, showing all of his endearing tattoos.

"So, I'll just tie your hair up for the big chop and then I'll work around it, yeah?" You ask and he nods, whining dramatically, causing Mila to giggle.

"What are you laughing at? This is tragic."

"You're the one who wants to cut it!" She snaps back before leaving the room, making you and Harry laugh

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"You're the one who wants to cut it!" She snaps back before leaving the room, making you and Harry laugh.

"Ready?" You question, grabbing the scissors.

"Just do it." Harry dramatically covers his eyes with one hand as you begin to cut more than half of his hair, and you smile.

" Harry dramatically covers his eyes with one hand as you begin to cut more than half of his hair, and you smile

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"Here it is!" You raise it in the air, giving it to Harry, who ties it in a ball.

"So much hair. My neck is already cold." He sighs and you shake your head, prepared to finish your work.

You chop some more and build a haircut, and around thirty minutes later he was ready

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You chop some more and build a haircut, and around thirty minutes later he was ready.

"We're finished, how do you feel?" You ask, putting your things down.

"Much lighter." He laughs, "Can I see it now?"

"Yes, as long as you don't kill me if you don't like it." You joke and he rolls his eyes, turning around in his chair to look in the mirror.

" You joke and he rolls his eyes, turning around in his chair to look in the mirror

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"Shit." He gasps, lips parting slightly.

"You don't like it?" You gulp nervously.

"You're kidding? I love it, thank you." He approaches you and pulls you into a hug, catching you off guard, but you quickly return it, "I see you're a woman of many talents."

"Oh, it was nothing." You smile shyly, "It looks great on you."

"You think so?"


"Thanks..." He looks away from your stare, running his fingers through his freshly cut curls.

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