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"Shit shit shit." You grumble as you close your front door, throwing the keys into your purse and balancing a smoothie in your hand while trying to get Sam's contact with the other, walking quickly through the streets. You had slept in a bit after your alarm went off and your car decided to have some issue you hadn't figured out yet. You hated being late to things, especially when one of those things is your work.

You curse out loud when your best friend doesn't answer, and you're already dialling Mila's number when a car stops next to you.

"Need a lift?"

"Harry." You blink, surprised he's around this area.

"Hello." He lets out a small laugh.

"What are you doing around here?"

"I have a meeting in thirty and I had to cut the traffic. I spotted you and you seemed in a rush, what happened?"

"Well, I kinda slept in and my car broke-"

"Get in, I'll drive you to work."

"You don't really have to-"

"Shush and come on, you don't want to be late, do you? You don't seem that type of person." He jokes and you roll your eyes but giggle, sliding into the passenger's seat.

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver. I owe you one." You tell him.

"I'll remember that." He winks and you feel your cheeks blushing for some reason, "So, what kind of music does y/n y/l/n hear on a ride?"

"Oh no no, I wanna know what kind of music does Harry Styles hear on a ride." You tease, and he raises an eyebrow, before pressing a button, The Chain coming through the speakers, "No way! I love Fleetwood Mac!" You shout, starting to sing the lyrics out of tune.

"You're needing some singing lessons, though." He mocks.

"Shut up." You hit him in the arm.

The short ride is filled with the pair of you karaoking some more songs, switched with laughter every time you tried to reach a higher note, unsuccessfully. When Harry pulls over your work building, you find yourself wishing you didn't need to go.

"Thank you so much once again." You turn to him after opening the door.

"It was nothing, love." He smiles.

"See you around, then?"

"Sure... Wait-" He calls when you're about to leave, so you lean on the door's window. He licks his lips, seeming to be thinking about what to say, "Would you- Uh, would you like to hang out later?"

"Really?" Your eyes widen.

He looks down, "It's okay if you don't want to, it's just that you seem pretty great to be around and we didn't really have the chance to be together outside work yet-"

"I'd love to." You cut him off with a soft giggle, and he returns his gaze to you.

"Would you?"


"I'll come pick you up. Text me when you clock off."

"Okay. Where are we going?"

"I don't know yet, but even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." He teases and you roll your eyes.

"See you later then. Can't wait."


"Hey Mila, I'm so sorry I'm late, I had some issues-"

"Hey relax! It's okay, you've never arrived late and you're only like five minutes after time." Your boss chuckles and you sigh in relief.

"Thanks. My car had some problem but luckily I got a lift."

"From who?"

"Harry actually." You reply, feeling a smile growing in your lips.

Mila raises an eyebrow, "You should see the grin on your face right now."

"I don't know what's that supposed to mean." Your cheeks heat.

"Do you have a crush on Harry?"

"No! I'm just a big fan as I told you, and I'm still getting used to actually knowing him and becoming friends with him... He invited me to hang out after work, also."

"Like a date?" Her eyes widen.

"No." You immediately shake your head, but she narrows her eyes at you.

"Was he nervous while asking you?"


"Is he coming to pick you up?"

"Yes but-"

"Then it's definitely a date." She laughs, clapping her hands.

"Mila, I really don't think-"

"Believe me, I know him." She winks and walks away.

You blush again, shaking your head, "It's not a date!" You shout but she probably doesn't hear you anyway.

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