The Princess

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America's POV:

They were coming today! It hasn't been very long since the last time they came, but to me it felt like forever. I was talking to an advisor's son who I'm pretty sure had a crush on me. His name is Daniel and he's nice enough I suppose, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter that he's nice or has a crush on me because I already have my love in my life.

And he was coming today! He's staying with us for 2 weeks, I wished it could be longer. Maybe I could go to his country and stay for a month or so. I wish I could see him more often, I probably only see him once a month. I love him so much, the moment he askes I'm ready to say yes. 

We've been dating ever since I was 15, so 2 years now. It's felt like such a long time and a short moment all at once. I've known him my entire life he is 2 years older than me, and our countries are allies. Ireland tries to stay very neutral with all countries, we don't like starting wars, but if it comes to it we will finish them. 

Me and my family are some of the most liked Royal's ever, along with Princess Nicoletta and her family. Princess Daphne is also high up on the list though. Nicoletta and I go way back, I had my first glass of wine which we both snuck , and she really knows how to party. Don't go to a party with the Irish and Italians if you don't want to wake up wasted in the morning, and that's coming from experience. 

" The day sure is beautiful isn't it?" Daniel snaps me out of my trance.

" Oh yes, it is quite lovely." I reply.

The day was breezy and not too cold. I thought that was good since he wasn't used to cold weather. Since me and Daniel were standing up on the roof we had the perfect view to see a black limo start to pull up. I immediately got a huge smile on my face.

" What are you so happy about?" Daniel asks.

" There back again! He's here!" 

" Who's here?" He yells because I'm starting to run down the stairs to try and beat the limo.

I know my family is probably already down there, but I don't really care. My hair is down so it's like fire flowing behind me. Our castle defiantly as big as his but it was still 3 stories plus the roof, but I was pretty fast, especially for a Royal. Then as always once I got to the 2end story I kicked off my shoes which helped me go even faster, kitten heals are still hard to run in. I still remember when it was winter, and he surprised me by coming here for Christmas. I was so excited that when I tried to run to him I slipped on fresh ice that was on the steps and had to get stiches in my head. But he stayed for 3 extra days because of it so I wasn't complaining. I made it to the door and as I predicted my entire family looked regal and poised and I was over here hair in a mess and breathing heavily cause I just ran through the castle, but I still beat the limo. 

" Really Ames? Not even going to try and make a good impression? You know his Dad doesn't like you." May whispered to me.

" Well his Dad hates my guts and there is absolutly no way for him to ever like me, so why bother trying to get him to like me and not be myself?" I responded right as the car was pulling up. 

" Fair point, do you think he's gonna propose this time?" She asked again she was in a boy crazy faze. 
" I hope so, but whenever he asks I'll say yes." I mumbled so that no one could hear us. 

The black limo doors opened, and I couldn't contain my smile. 

There he was, Maxon, my Maxon.

He had a wide smile on his face too, and god could he have looked more handsome? He was wearing a blue suit, my favorite color, I expected he wore it because he wanted to make me happy, because he was so generous. But I'm happy as long as he's here. I noticed he had a box in his hands and I knew exactly what was inside.  

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