The Number

89 4 6

America's POV:

After I walked out of the great room I made my way up to my room. I didn't want to be near anyone. After I was there the tears started flowing. My makeup was quickly ruined, I had mascara streaming down my face mixing with my foundation.

I quickly took of my dress and took a shower. I sat there and cried for what felt like hours but couldn't have been more than twenty minutes. I got out and threw on a green boyfriend fit shirt and some light grey yoga pants. I began scrubbing my face until all the makeup was off and I finally felt clean. 

I felt so stressed and useless. Why would he ever think I would cheat on him? I was right, this isn't going to work out. He promised he wouldn't break my heart, and not even four hours into our relationship he brakes it? Maybe we're not meant to be. Maybe this is it. I began mindlessly playing my violin just trying to get my mind off of what just happened. I heard a knock on my door and got up to answer it.

" Hey America," Aspen said.

" Oh hi Aspen." I really wished for it to be Maxon, to somehow make everything better.

" I was just letting you know that I did have to get stiches and my arm wasn't infected," he cheered.

" Oh, that's great," I started tearing up.

" Hey what's wrong?"

" I think Maxon and I just broke up," I cried and he pulled me into a hug.

" Hey it's alright you're gonna be ok," he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

I got out of his embrace," You should probably rest."

" You happen to be right Mer."

" Mer?" I questioned he put a small smile on my face.

" Yep Mer, that's your new nickname," he put a goofy smile on his face which made me laugh.

" Well thank you for making me smile."

" Anytime, if you need me to do it again just call here," he gave me a small piece of paper with a phone number on it.

" I just might take you up on that," I smiled as he walked away.

~ The next day~

Kat and Emy helped me pack up my belongings.

" I wish you could've stayed for longer," Kat whined.

" Me too, but I can't. He's not worth my time," my voice trembled.

" You're damn right he's not worth your time! He accused you of cheating on him which you didn't do, he's name isn't even worth being brought up," Emy snapped. 

That was Emy quiet at first, but then when someone hurts someone she likes she becomes a whole different person. 

" Knock knock," I heard as Amberly walked through my door.

" You look beautiful America," she whispered in awe.

Kat and Emy said I needed to walk out of here looking like a Queen. My dress had a high collar as it was much colder in Ireland. It was a deep rich purple color and had sleeves that went down to my wrists. Also a fitted bodice but then it flared out into a gorgeous full skirt. 

" Thank you," I smiled.

At that Amberly started tearing up and came over to hug me. 

" I'm going to miss you so much, you were always like the daughter I never had," she cried into my shoulder.

I don't think I've ever been the one to comfort Amberly. 

" Hey just because Maxon and I aren't together doesn't mean that has to change," I whispered.

" I'll miss you so much too, and you'll always and forever be like a second Mother to me," I had tears in my own eyes now.

She pulled away," I have more guests that I need to wish off, but I hope I'll be able to see you before you go." 


I met up with my family and they didn't ask questions about why I was leaving. I said goodbye to Amberly again before we fully left. As we were walking towards the limo I looked back at the palace and saw Maxon watching us through his bedroom window.

I let a single tear fall to my cheek. It was saying goodbye to the past and a new beginning in the future. No longer being with him, letting my feelings for him subside. Letting him go.

Goodbye Maxon.


OHHHH sad chapter sorry guys... I know how I want this story to end but comment your ideas! Your comments literally make my day! And sorry I haven't been updating everyday, I have a puppy and she's been a lot to take care of lately... Sorry. Also sorry for a shorter chapter! Maybe a double upload today idk? Also PLZ vote! Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and BBBbbbBbbBYYYyyyyYYYYyYyYEeeEeeEEEEeeeee!!! 

QOTD: If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead who would it be?

Answer: I would probably have lunch with Shawn Mendes. Firstly because he is hella cute and ngl my celebrity crush lol. I am so excited for his new album Wonder to come out on December 4th! Also he is gonna have a documentary on Netflix on November 23rd!!! Like Shawn just came in and saved 2020! ANyways byyyeeee guys!  

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