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America's POV:
My family and I walked to the private plane that was taking us home. I sat next to May and she surprisingly fell asleep, which May never does on planes. I decided I was going to read a book to try and get my mind off him.

I guess I fell asleep because May woke me up, " We made it home Ames," she whispered.

I walked with them off the plane and immediately walked up to my room and cried into my pillow. I don't know how long I cried before Anne, Mary, Lucy, and Marlee all came and comforted me.

" You'll be alright Ames," I heard Marlee whisper but that made me cry harder.

" He- he- he thought that I cheated on him. All because of Daphne," I whimpered.

" That nasty girl," I heard Mary mumble.

" Yeah she's awful," Lucy commented. 

" Do you think he'll come here?" Anne asked.

" He didn't even say goodbye to me, I seriously doubt it." 

Maxon's POV: 

As America and her family walked out of the palace front doors I noticed she looked beautiful, she looked like a queen, holding her head up strong. I saw her look back towards the palace. I knew she saw me, I watched as a single tear fell down her cheek, then she continued walking with her family to the plane. The plane that was taking her back to her home.

I stayed in my room thinking about everything that happened. Why would I accuse her of cheating on me? Gosh Max you're an idiot! All because of Daphne. I believed Daphne over America, how could I do that? It's not like I can change what happened now. America and I wont ever be together now.

I heard a faint knock on my door," Come in," I said trying to compose myself.

When my Mother walked in the door I fell back onto my bed, realizing now I had an amazing view of my photo wall which was covered with pictures of America. 

" Hey Maxon, what happened?" She asked quietly coming to sit on my bed.

" I did something stupid." 

" Well I already knew that, but then you got back together, but now your broken up again? Care to explain?" She questioned.

" I believed something Daphne said, along the lines of America cheated on me, and then I accused her. But she said she didn't and that if I believed Daphne she would leave, and that if I believed her she would leave anyway because of me even thinking of believing Daphne," I mumbled putting my hand over my eyes.

" What is your plan of action?" She asked.

" I don't know!" I yelled," on one hand I want to run after her and tell her how sorry I am, but on the other hand I bet she hates me and doesn't even want to speak or look at me!" 

" Max, I talked to her, she seemed just as heartbroken if not more than you are right now. I think that if you go to Ireland very soon she might forgive you," Mom soothed.

" When can I leave?" 

" You might want to give her a few days, just to cool off." 

America's POV: 

It was two in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I decided maybe I should try and call Aspen, he did say to call him if I needed anything. I dialed the number into the phone that was in my room, and it rang once before someone answered. 

" Hello?" I heard Aspen say.

" Hi Aspen it's America." 

" Oh hey America, why are you up so early?" 

" I could ask the same for you," I giggled. 

" I just couldn't sleep and I thought you wouldn't answer. Because normally when I can't sleep I call Maxon because it's day time in Illea, and he would always answer, but I guess not anymore."

" That's alright I'll fill the spot," he responded. 

" Do you maybe want to visit Ireland sometime?" I asked.

" Yes of course! Maybe in the next couple days?"

" That sounds perfect, I'll see you then." 

 Maxon's POV:

It had been a few days now, and I finally convinced Father to let me go to Ireland to try and win back America. I went to the plane and got ready for the flight. I called May and she said I could come to the palace because she said America wasn't doing to well. I feel so bad that I hurt her. 

Aspen's POV:

It had been a couple days since America called me and invited me to Ireland, and I was boarding the plane to go to there. I was very excited I'd never been to Ireland before. It was a decent length flight but not horrible.  

America's POV: 

Aspen was going to be here today, I was happy that I could finally talk to someone about what's going on with me right now. I decided that I was gonna walk through the gardens to get some fresh air, but instantly regretted my decision. I saw so many places where I made memories with him

I saw where we had our first kiss, our bench looking out over the cliffs. The stone wall where he would take pictures of me. I wanted to go back inside but my feet wouldn't move. I was stuck having to look through all the memories we had here. 

I couldn't stop the tears fall down my face but then I heard someone walking towards me and I didn't turn to see who it was.

" What's wrong my dear?" I heard him say. 


AYYY I updated!!! Sorry again for a somewhat short chapter, I may update again today... but just don't expect me too! What do you think is gonna happen when Maxon realizes Aspen is in Ireland? I don't even know yet! How do you think America is going to react to Maxon being in Ireland? Will she forgive him? Maybe she'll try and make him jealous? Comment your ideas! BYYYEEE FOR now guys!! 

QOTD: What is the name your parents almost named you?

Answer: My parents almost named me Belle like the Disney Princess lol. MY name is super Irish thoo. If I was a boy my parents would have named me Aiden. TBH I don't really like that name lol. I think I would've preferred Belle than my actual name, but if I got to PICK what I was named I would probably have to say like Layla or Scarlett lol. Anyways BYYEE for now!!! 

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