The Halloween Ball Part 2

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America's POV:

Maxon and I walked back into the ball hand in hand. Since nobody knew about our breakup before hand, they didn't suspect anything, and we wanted to keep it that way. 

Maxon happily led me onto the dance floor right as a slow song began playing. I rested my head on his chest and I felt him rest his chin on mine. I had my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands were on my waist. As we swayed to the music I was reminded of the first time we kissed, it felt like such a long time ago. 

I saw Marlee looking at us weird and I gave her a smile I couldn't tell if she knew Maxon and I got back together, I'm going  to have to tell her the whole story later. As we got into the next song I saw Amberly with a happy smile on her face, I wanted to confirm her happy suspicions. I moved my head to look towards Maxon and he happily leaned down and kissed me. I heard some whistles and cheers and it made me smile. I felt Maxon smile against my lips as well.

As that song ended I decided to quit dancing because I'm truly awful, and there was some amazing food here that I wanted to eat, and Maxon followed me to the food tables.

" So my dear, are you having fun?" He asked with a smirk on a face.

" I am having lots of fun," I decided to ignore the nickname.

" I'm happy to hear that darling," there it is the nickname I don't mind. 

After I finished filling my plate to the brim I sat down at one of the tables off to the side of the dance floor. 

" Do you mind if I continue to dance love?" Maxon asked hesitantly.

" Of course I don't mind, go enjoy yourself."

He smiled then walked to find a dance partner. Marlee almost instantly walked up to him, oh no the whole bestfriend talk. She looked like she was scolding him throughout the dance and he turned to look at me and I gave a small smile and mouthed the words ' sorry '.

She continued talking to him going into the next song. I was very surprised when a boy with dark black hair and green eyes walked up to me and sat at the table. I quickly realized he was the Prince of Scotland. I tried to compose myself but having an entire chocolate truffle shoved in your mouth isn't a good way to make a first impression. Scotland wasn't really connected to any of the other countries. They were probably closest with France. 

" Hello Princess America," he smiled.

" Hello to you as well Prince Aspen," I tried to say that in the most Princessey tone I could muster.

" Would you care to dance malady?" He asked.

" Of course I would love to dance," he led me onto the dance floor and kept a respectable distance.

" Well everyone said you were beautiful, but you have exceed my expectations," he teased and I giggled, it was a weird phrase to say, but I was trying to be polite. 

I saw Maxon looking at us cautiously but then he connected who he was and I nodded. We didn't want to make any more enemies especially in Illea because they already had so many.

" Oh is your boyfriend Mr. Princy getting nervous I'm going to steal his girl?" He noticed Maxon watching us like a hawk and I laughed.

" He's protective of me, but it's one of the many reasons that I love him. You should really get to know him, he's not so much of a stereotypical Prince." I said.

" I just might take him up on that deal, if you couldn't tell I'm not a very stereotypical Prince either," he had this type of glow in his eyes, like someone that everyone always wanted to be around. Just a genuine good guy.

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