The Palace

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America's POV:

" Darling wake up," I heard Maxon whisper.

" Why?" I asked still half asleep he chuckled.

" We need to start the day," he started sitting up but I pulled him back onto the bed.

The bed and him felt so warm I didn't want to get up.

" Five more minutes," I whined.

" I'll hold you too it," he teased.

We probably laid together for at least another 10 minutes.


After I got ready for the day I made my way to the women's room. Amberly was already in there doing work at her desk in the back.

" Good morning America," she exclaimed.

" Morning Mom," she gave me a bright smile.

" Have I ever told you you're like the daughter I never had," she teased.

" Have I ever told you you're the Mom of my dreams," I teased back and she gave me another wide smile before she turned back to her work. 

I decided it was probably best if I started to work on mine.


It was around noon when we went to have lunch. Amberly and I made our way to the dinning haul, and we were the first to arrive. 

" Something smells delicious!" I was so excited about food.

" Well Maxon did make sure there were strawberry tarts at all meals," she joked and I gave a shy smile.

I didn't deserve him, he was too good to me. Any time I did something stupid or I got so mad at him that I thought we were going to break up he always got us to push through it. 

Amberly and I took our seats and a Butler brought out our meal. 

" Thank you very much," I said sweetly and he began blushing, he was probably about my age. 

Probably shouldn't tell Maxon about that...


I was about half way through my Tomato basil soup when Maxon and Clarkson walked in. Clarkson looked the same as normal I suppose but Maxon looked furious. He took his seat next to mine and I gave him a what's wrong look. He didn't change his expression and I decided not to push him. 

I finished my lunch and walked back to the women's room. 

" America wait!" I heard Maxon yell, I stopped walking and he caught up to me. 

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have treated you like that, it's just my Father decided now was a perfect time to go to France for whatever reason. I begged him to not make me go, but he just said I was acting like a child," he looked sad as he was giving his response like it hurt him that he took his anger out on me.   

I put my hand against his cheek," It's fine Maxon, I understand how that would be frustrating," I was going to try and be the bigger person for once. 

He gave me a small smile," Would you care to accompany me on a walk through the gardens?" He used a super princy tone which made me laugh.

" It would be my honor," he held out his arm and I looped mine through. 

We walked until we got to our bench. He sat down facing the forest and me the Palace, just like always. 

" Father said we were leaving tomorrow," I could tell that he was apprehensive about leaving me here. 

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