The City

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America's POV:

" I need to talk to Maxon," I said.

" That's understandable," Clarkson nodded his head.

I walked back into the palace, but not to Maxon's room, to my own. I didn't know what just happened. I started pacing around my room. I couldn't think right my head hurt and I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to my bathroom and stood over the toilet. 

" Ames!" I heard Kat yell.

" I'm-I'm fine," I felt tears start falling down my cheeks. 

" Do you want me to leave?" She asked calmly.

" Actually can you send Marlee in here I need to work out my schedule," I started slowing my breath.

" Of course." She turned and left

I looked up at the clock and saw it was only one. Once Marlee came in I started making some changes to my schedule.

" Marlee, I need you to push back my three o'clock meeting to five thirty please," she scribbled down that on her clipboard.

I started walking out of my room and she followed," Also cancel my five forty-five tea with May," She wrote on the page again.

" Might I ask why?" 

" I need to get out of here, like go to town or something," I replied.

" I'm guessing you'll also need me to sneak you out?" She questioned and I gave her a smile.

" We should be able to sneak you out at one thirty. Meet me in the maids quarter, don't be late. I'll tell everyone that you weren't feeling to well and that you took a nap so they don't bug you. You need to be back by five, do you understand?" She said to me sternly and I nodded my head.

" I need a ride," I mumbled.

She started writing in her clipboard again," There will be a food truck going to Dublin, is that alright?" 

" Perfect!"

" Ok now there will be another one arriving at four fifty, you need to make sure to get on it."


I was sitting in the back of a mini van going to Dublin. It should only be around a fifteen minute drive. It was nerve racking to be in a van with no windows. When Dad was alive he let me go to Dublin whenever I wanted, but now that I'm Queen apparently I'm not aloud to have fun or live a little. The palace was in Dublin just more so on the outside in the country side to get away from the somewhat busy streets. 

After about fifteen minutes the car came to a stop. I hid behind some big bags that were there, luckily when they opened the doors they didn't see me. I quickly jumped and ran out of the alley behind the grocery store. 

I found myself on the oh so familiar streets and they felt like an old friend you haven't seen in a while. I saw my favorite Ice cream shop called Cloud Nine. I began walking up to the store and saw an adorable little girl. 

She walked up to me and who I'm assuming was her Mom walked with her too probably scared because I was a stranger. 

" Mommy look! It's Queen America!" The little girl yelled.

" Sweetie that's ridiculous, I'm very sorry ma'am," She grabbed her daughter's hand and looked up at me.

" Oh no it's quite alright, and she's not wrong either," the Mother's eyes widened.

" Your Majesty I'm so sorry-"

"-nothing to be sorry for," I smiled.

" What's your name little princess?" I crouched down and asked the little girl.

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