Chapter - 1 - Defeated and Broken

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Defeated strikes back

CHAPTER ONE – Defeated and Broken.

Hi guys! I am Ruthlesssceptile6 and I've published 9 chapteres of this book in and now I'm going to write it here. The idea popped in my mind when I was watching the advanced generation for the second time, and I hope you guys like it. And as for pairing in the story, see my profile and read the first chapter you'll have an idea. This is going to be an Advanceshipping fic, but the focus will be Adventure. And the ones who like Drew or Contestshipping this fic is not for you. And if you do not like Advanceshipping then also leave. Well, I am not very good with spellings and grammar so you have to cope up. Healthy criticism is appreciated. Gener will be changed later in the story. So let's start with 'DEFEATED STRIKES BACK'.

Characters ages –

Ash – 21

Delia – 40

Prof. Oak – 53

Tracey - 26

Brock – 28

Misty – 23

May – 20

Max – 17

Dawn – 18

Iris – 23

Cilian – 25

Celemont – 23

Serena – 20

Bonnie – 16

Paul – 21

Morrison – 22

Tyson – 25

Conway – 23

Drew – 21

Kenney – 19

Calem – 20

Scott – 37

Charles Goodshow – 73

Speech – "got it"

Thoughts – 'got it'

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech – " got it"

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

On an unknown island a young man in all black cloak with raven hair, arburn eyes , z shape marks just below them, stood with a Pikachu on his shoulders with a pink feline creature named Mewtwo besides him asked "you are still thinking about that day aren't you." The man gave a nod.


"Pikachu is unable to battle. Salamence is the winner. Which means victory goes to Adam of Lilycove city." Stated the refree.

So looks like folks, after a super exciting battle we have got our winner of Evergrande conference- Hoeen league ! Cheers for Adam and his Salamence. Roared the comentretor.

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