Chapter - 9 - Suspicions and The Threat!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 9 – Suspicions and The Threat!

I'm back readers with another chapter in addition to 'Defeated Strikes Back', and let me tell you the fanfic is turning out as I've expected. The last chapter was the best till now in my opinion, the original plan was that instead of Ritchie I'll include Sawyer, but at last I settled with Ritchie as he'll be a more versatile character and I needed versatile character, and if anybody wants to know more about Jason (My OC) you are free to visit my profile page, and assume Jason wears clothing like Hilbert not Nate. And Shane, I've added your vote for the 'Other Type of Advanceshipping fanfic' which is not an Ash betrayal fanfic. This chapter will start just where the last one ended. So get ready to read.

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

After explaining the things to Jason and Ritchie and chatting a bit the group decided to head towards the opening ceremony of the Master's Tournament.

"Hey Ash, how would you deal with the others knowing that you're back, I mean other your rivals and friends." Asked Brock to. "Yeah Ash, he's got a point." Agreed Celemont, while the others nodded at what their friends said.

"Geeeeeeeettt aaaaaassssssssiiiiidddeeee oooooorrr I'llllllll fffffiiiiiinnnneeeeee yyyyyooooouuuuu" came a voice that before anyone could say anything else. "Hey isn" before Dawn could say any more, that person bumped into Ash and his hood uncovered his face then he felled down with the person.

He still wears that cloak because he doesn't want people to see his Aura Guardian clothing and he still wears the hood because , now that's like his personality, and he doesn't want people to know him till tournament starts, cause he's not the happy go lucky child anymore, over the three years he has changed a lot, now he hardly talks, and is not at all very much friendly to people beside his group, cause he doesn't trust people anymore, he hasn't spoken a word to May since the day he realized he still loved May, what can he do he has too much pride to admit it.

"Barry....." said Ash while standing. "Ah...M.....A...A...ASH IN THE NAME OF DIALGA YOU'RE ALIVE! OH MY ARCEUS! Well, can I forgot I saw your name in the matchups, anyways WHY? HOW? And WHERE? Have been you bro. NoNoNoNoooo, wait now we have the opening ceremony, let's go there, then you can answer my question." Said Barry almost as fast as he runs.

Everyone tried to process what information they had been given. "Sure why not." Said Dawn as she was the first one to understand what Barry has said. "Ok let's go." Said Barry as the group began to walk towards the stadium where opening ceremony was to be held. Paul was irritated that Barry was walking alongside Dawn, close, too close in his opinion.

"Dude, you don't have to kill him with your stare, don't worry he'll not steal your girl." Whispered Gary into Paul's ear, so that only he could hear, as the others were busy in their own conversations, Delia was telling Ash to be friendlier to others, Jason and Ritchie were talking about statics in battling, the two Pikachu's were discussing something of their own, Lucario was quite and seemed to think something whole time but nobody knew he was in a mental conversation with an invisible Mewtwo, Iris seemed to talk with Serena about something, Misty was chatting with May who seemed to steal glances at Ash, Max and Bonnie were talking about who knows what but they both steeled glances at each other and blush time to time, and finally there were chefs of the group, Brock, Cilian and Celemont, who were discussing about cooking. Paul gave Gary another of his famous death glares, who responded with his signature toothy grin.

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