Chapter 11 - A Truly Epic Battle!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 11 – A truly Epic Battle!

Hi Guys! I'm once again back with another chapter of Defeated Strikes Back, as well as I've taken an important decision regarding the fanfics future... I don't know how many words or chapters will this go but, I think there are 75% chances that I divide it in two parts; but that's not the topic now so without wasting much time let's get on the chapter.

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – "got it"

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

With Ash –

Ash was walking to his Pokémon, Pikachu, Lucario, and Mewtwo (Invisible) after the dance, and the kiss, with May, which he hoped no one saw, he continued to walk to the corner where his Pokémon were leaning, as they saw him, he was greeted by several naught smirks.

"So Master, Now you agree with what I said earlier, right?" asked Lucario teasingly through an Aura link, Mewtwo and Pikachu smirked, Ash did not liked where this was going.

"W...W...What a...a...are you t...talking about Lucario? And I told you not to call me master, right?" Said a blushing Ash.

"Don't play dumb Master, we three were watching you and Mistress May all time, and yes you told me to not call you master 2498 times." Said Lucario with a grin.

"WHAT! How many people saw that?" Asked a horrified Ash.

"Fortunately for you, only me, Lucario, and Pikachu saw you both kissing, your mom, some frontier brains, Jason and that white haired Pig saw you both dancing, and some other people who we don't know also saw that." Answered Mewtwo.

"Sigh" "So you three don't tell to anyone" said Ash with a sigh, Mewtwo and Lucario nodded with a grins, however Pikachu had other plans.

"Dude, now in the name of Pika bros see, if you give me five bottles of more ketchup then I'll consider....." said Pikachu with a smirk, of course our terrible rapper didn't knew that his plan was going to backfire on him!

"I've a better deal... You'll not tell anyone and you'll continue to get you daily quota of ketchup otherwise....." Said Ash a naughty smirk, Lucario and Mewtwo literally laughed, Pikachu gulped.

"N...N...No I d...d...don't think that will be necessary...." Said a sweating Pikachu.

"Now let's go find Gary and Paul." Said Ash as, Pikachu hopped on his shoulder and Lucario and Mewtwo stood on his both sides, then they began searching for a certain Professor and frontier brain.

With May – Sometime back –

'He's mine now.... And I'll do everything I can to gain his trust so we can be official..." thought May who was approaching a blushing Dawn who was talking with Delia and Misty, soon they turned towards her, Misty and Dawn smiled Delia grinned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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