Chapter - 5 - Revealed to Rota!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 5 - Revealed to Rota!

Hi guys, Ruthless back again with a new chapter, Ah...What to say?...Um...don't know...Dammit I have nothing to say!

Pikachu – You are a dumbass Ruthlesssceptile, at least...., at least you can add my one rap...this is not good, not at all good for Pika bros raps.

Me – Well faithful readers will be bored after listening to your 'Pika bros raps'.

Pikachu – You.....You... Dammit. And then he raps.

The Pika bros raps, Oh yeah, Oh yeah...

What all Ruthless says its blah, blah....

Dammit, Mewtwo is a Jackass, Jackass...

I rap in th.....

Mewtwo – WHY YOU LITTLE...

Pikachu – Oh Arceus, be calm Mewtwo, in the name of Pika bros raps, if you stay this mad I am sure Ruthless will kick you out of the fanfic.

Mewtwo – Who the hell says?

Pikachu – Pika bros..., as always, yeah so where was I? Dammit, forgot ok we'll start a new one.

I gotcha fry some minds, specially Mewtwo...

Oh who says he'll strike me.....What you too?

For sanity of Pika bros raps...I say

You give a Psystrike to May.....

Me – Stop this hell! I'll do what I want to do with the Fanfic, and don't dare to cross the fourth wall!

Ok readers so now, as the interruptions are over let's start with the chapter.

Speech – "got it"

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

Flashback continues from last chapter –

"It's a beautiful day isn't it" asked Queen Ilene to her maid, personal adviser, protector, and Aura user Leona, they were taking a walk at castle garden. "Yes my qu....." but she was stopped by a greenish – blue light at front of them. 'Impossible' both of them thought, it was clearly a teleport but in Rota Mew had herself blocked any teleport possible, whoever it was, it was clearly more powerful the Mew to teleport. When the light died they both were flagbusterd. Standing before them was Riley, a young man in Aura Guardian with a hood clothing a Pikachu on his shoulder and a pink feline creature who quickly became invisible when they saw him and two lucarios.

"Knight Riley what are you doing here and most importantly how the hell you teleported here!" asked Queen Ilene in astonishment. "Ah I am so sorry my queen, we didn't meant to shock you....I guess Mewtwo teleported us in the castle" replied Riley bowing, the other man did the same and Mewtwo reappeared, knowing that the skitty was out of the bag now.

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