Chapter - 4 - A New Guardian

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CHAPTER – 4 – A New Guardian.

Hi guys! As you all can see I am back with another update (These days workload is too much). The last chapter was my personal favourite till now; I hope this one will be better than the last.  

So now without leaving much time let's start with the chapter.

Speech – "got it"

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

Flashback continues from last chapter -

Some time before on an unknown location –

"So this is New island, I like this place" said Ash's Sceptile to Charizard and Infernape while eyeing the island where you could find everything.....Grass, trees, lake, rocks, stream, many battlefields, hills, a tall standing extient volcano, mass of volcanic rock...It seems like this was a heaven the island even consisted of two huts, a psychic barrier which makes travelers confuse the island with underwater barren volcano....simply it was a perfect place for all types of Pokémon. "Yeah but from what Sir Riley and his Lucario have told us we are here to train not to relax" added a flying owl. "I'll be looking forward to it Noctowl....I'll be looking forward to it" replied Sceptile before running off. "Where are you going bro?" asked Infernape, catching up with Sceptile. "To find Riolu, he seemed like a worthy rival to us when he'll evolve." Answered Sceptile. "Yeah...." Was Infernape's reply as he began thinking of some of the strongest member's in his team who rival each other for the strongest member who were Pikachu, Charizard, Snorlax, Sceptile, Gabite, Himself, krookodile, Greninja, and Goodra.

They ran up to rock fields to find Riolu with Sir Riley, his Lucario, and surprisingly some other Pokémons which consists of a Lapras, tyrainatar, Primape, Butterfree, Gengar, Pidgioet, Shelgon, Dragonair and a Kirlia. "Sceptile scep sc tile" (Who are these dudes?) "Yeah, I was going to inform you all,...Everyone assemble" said Riley as he launched an Aura sphere in the air. In seconds each single of Ash's Pokémons came and grouped up type wise as Sir Riley had taught them earlier. "This is to inform you guys that these Pokémons were either released by Ash or they grew close to him during his travels and they are going to help us" said Riley and everyone else cheered.

Just then in front of them a greenish-blue light began to Shine and seconds later three figures stood there, Ash, Pikachu, and Mewtwo. "So I guess my soon to be aura student and son of my teacher is here after all" smirked Riley. "Sir Riley!" called Ash as they as they handshaked. "Call me Riley Ash, when not in public and for now....." he said. "Why didn't you told me about being an Aura Guardian and my father when we met at Iron Island!" asked Ash. "That was not the right time." Simply replied Riley. "Today you see the Island and rest as much as you want because from tomorrow the hardest days of your life are starting." Said Riley before smirking and walking off leaving a dumbfound Ash, who begun talking to his Pokémon, new and old. And Introduced and told stories about the Pokémon whom Riley had brought to his other Pokémons.

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