Chapter - 3 Secrets Unleashed!

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Defeated strikes back

CHAPTER – 3 – Secrets unleashed!

Hi guys! I am back with another addition to the 'Defeated strikes back'. Remember one thing, when any Pokémon will say something only Ash and other Pokémon will 'exactly' understand it. For others it will be normal. (Pokémon calling its name with inverted commas and translations in brackets) I will only show Pokémon talking only Pokémon conversations or when it is alone with Ash. This chapter is a big step in the direction of the story. Till now it was something like Ash betrayed format but from here everything will start to change so read carefully. And I have made some changes in Ash's Pokémon team (Minus a few legendaries, the reason you will understand later) so please go to the first chapter and see it before reading this chapter. Thank you for your support till now. So let's get started.

Speech – "got it"

Thoughts – 'got it'

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu"( got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

"Oh Ash, here you are!" exclaimed Scott as he saw Ash approaching from behind the trees. "Good to see you, sometimes I wonder how nobody was able to see you in these last three years" continued Scott as they approached each other. "I have my own secrets Scott, and by the way good to see you to" replied Ash. Scott grinned. "How are you Pikachu?"Asked Scott. "Pika kachu..., chu"(Doing cool...,as always) replied Pikachu. "Let's go I guess Mr. Goodshow is waiting for us" said Scott as they both went in the elevator and Scott pressed a button highlighting floor 20. "So Ash, how was challenging the gyms?" asked Scott. "A piece of cake" replied Ash. Scott smiled. The doors of elevator opened as Ash, Pikachu an invisible Mewtwo and Scott stepped out, ( A.N – Remember last chapter, Ash asked Mewtwo to become invisible and come with him.)

Scott opened a door and they stepped in to find Mr. Charles Goodshow sitting in the chair. "Oh my Arceus!, Ash you have grown so much in these three years, we missed you a lot, and you too Pikachu" said Goodshow while approaching them. "Nice to see you again Mr. Goodshow"/ "Pika chu, ka chu pika"(Nice to see you too old man, but you haven't grown an inch" replied Ash/Pikachu. Ash mentally cursed Pikachu for insulting Goodshow and thanked Arceus that nobody except him and Mewtwo heard him. Damm you Pikachu I guess you have been spending more time lately with Charizard, Sceptile, Infernape, and Mewtwo. Said Ash with aura link to Pikachu, but soon realized that Mewtwo was there and braced himself for a long lecture, very long lecture. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY MEWTWO! I .....started Mewtwo but he was cutted of by Hahahahahaheehehe.... Now Mewtwo you can't do much right here. Hahahahee...Mewtwo pissed of.....helpless....laughed Pikachu was relieved that he was saved but feared for Pikachu because an angry Mewtwo can be dangerous, no he can be EXTREMALY dangerous. WHY YOU LITTLE....but this time he was cutted of by what Charles Goodshow was saying, during this mental conversation Goodshow approached and said "No need for that Mr., Sir and president stuff simply call me Charles or Goodshow" Ash mentally thanked Charles because if Pikachu would have said one more word Mewtwo would have blasted him with his Psystrike.

"Now Ash I have some things to talk with you from what Scott told me yesterday that you are taking on gyms with fake names, I am very sorry because in this tournament the number of participants is going to be very high so the registering work will be done by machines instead of Nurse Joys so that means you could not compete with a fake ID, but I still recommend to compete and show the world what you are" finished Goodshow. "Is it okay if I tell you tomorrow Charles?" said Ash. What! / What the hell! Yelled Mewtwo / Pikachu mentally at Ash. "Ok Ash, but think wisely." Replied Goodshow, somewhat disappointed. "I hope you make the right decision Ash" said Scott. "Ok Scott and Mr. Goodshow now I have to go and Scott, I will tell you what I have decided tomorrow." Said Ash and shortly after few seconds he was surrounded in a greenish-blue light and vanished leaving Scott and Goodshow stunned. "Was it a teleport, but I didn't saw a psychic Pokémon with him?" asked Goodshow. Scott nodded and said "This guy is always full of surprises".

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