Chapter - 7 - Realising it but too much pride to Admit it!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 7 - Realizing it, but to much pride to admit it.

Another update fromRuthlesssceptile6! So how's it been going dudes, I've found some more time towrite as now finally, some less work from school. Plus I'm in very good mood asI won a regional online chess tournament, that adds my motivation to write.

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

A clear ground near the lake, at the other side of the dense forest – After they teleported.

"Dammit, how much I wanted to stay a secret till the start of the tournament." Sighed Ash. "Now come on dude don't act like a coward in the name of Pika bros." Said Pikachu. "It's not like that buddy, they're all my friends except her, but every time I see or think about her I feel like someone have stabbed me and my heart starts to beat faster, after that I'm going through an inner battle one side says to forgive her and the other says not to do it in my life." Said Ash with a sigh.

"Master you're in Love with her once again or maybe your feelings for her never died." Said Lucario only to be grounded by an Aura sphere. "Say that once again and I'll lock you in the damm ball." Threatened Ash. "That was only a crush, three years ago." He continued darkly, although a part of him knew he was lying, his heart....

Suddenly his abdomen flashed blue. No one noticed this except Lucario and Mewtwo, they both chuckled... 'He would not admit it but he loved May and still loves May, that glow is a symbol of love, sign that he and May will be soul mates.' Both of them thought the same thing at the same time. (A.N – Lucario and Mewtwo can lock their minds so that no one can read their thoughts, not even Ash.)

"I am going to meet them tomorrow. But I'll not talk to her, she was a traitor, and I'm ashamed to admit I'd a crush on her three years." Said Ash, coldly. 'Admit it or not you are destined to be with her by Mother Arceus herself.' Thought Lucario and Mewtwo at the same time once again.

"So what in the name of Pika bros raps we're going to do now dudes?" Asked Pikachu. "I guess we're going to train here, it seems a fine place and after training we'll go back to the Pokémon center to check in the room Scott booked for us." Said Ash as called out all his six Pokémon he was carrying.

Hall of Origins – At the same time

"Mommy Mommy, Why chosen one is being such a jerk to May? Don't you think he is overreacting too much, all make mistakes, but this too much?" Asked Mellota to Arceus. "I think he has been spending too much time with jerk of my brother." Said Mew while giggling. Arceus couldn't help but smile at her daughters. "He'll understand soon dears." Replied Arceus.

With the group – At the same time

"Hey guys what about we train near the lake behind the forest, I've heard it's a nice place." Suggested Max. "Yeah." Said Gary and everyone nodded as they began walking towards the forest. It had been nearly ten minutes since Ash had teleported and they had got their rooms from Nurse Joy, now they were going to train and Delia was with them.

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