Chapter - 6 - Meeting after a long time!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 6 – Meeting after long time!

What's up readers? Iam back again with a brand new chapter of 'Defeated Strikes Back', Well we havemany things to talk about as last chapter was written is a rush. First of allyes! That was only Ash's 25% of power, and Riley is engaged! Ash is going to participatein Masters Tournament; Last chapter was full of Damm surprises! Ok but myoriginal plan was that this chapter would be a part of last chapter and thatwill go beyond 5000 words but I decided that I will keep the chapters between1500 – 3000 words, cause writing long chapters means slower updates and slowerupdates means many things will eventually slip of your mind. 

So now let's start with the chapter.

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

One week later – New Island

"So guys, today's the day." Said Ash to all his Pokémons, it had been seven days since his conversation with Arceus, which meant today they had to go to the Master's Tournament, he wore his blue and black Aura guardian clothing under a black cloak which covered his whole body and clothing, the cloak also had a hood which covered his face.

'This is always the hardest part.' Thought Ash, now he had to choose the team he was taking to the Master's Tournament. "Guys the once I'll not choose, don't be sad, you all will be fighting in the tournament, at least I'll try." Said Ash. All of his Pokémon cheered.

"Mewtwo you are not in the starting 6 but you'll be staying with me,.....just in case." Said Ash to psychic type legendary who nodded. "Pikachu and Lucario you're coming." Said Ash to his starter and aura partner. They both nodded. "Sceptile, Infernape, and Greninja, you are coming to." Said Ash. The trio replied with smirks and grins. "Ok now I need a flying type...Pidgoet you're up." Pidgoet nodded as Ash recalled his Pokémon except Pikachu and Lucario. Ash nodded to Mewtwo who teleported them to the Indigo Plateau registration center. After registering and taking his Pokedex back from the machine Ash started to walk out of the center.

So where are we going now? Asked the invisible Mewtwo through aura link. Outside the Pokémon center. Replied Ash as Mewtwo teleported them.

20 Minutes Ago – Indigo Plateau Airport.

A top coordinator and a supermodel, trainer with glasses, a young man obsessed with Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies, A young Pokémon professor, An orange haired tomboy were walking out of the airport with a middle aged woman from pallet town, yes pallet town.....home to a trainer who mysteriously disappeared three years ago.

"I hope we can find him here." said Max glaring to his sister May Maple. "You shouldn't yell at your sister Max, he overreacted a bit.....who would leave the face of earth like that....we all are humans and we all do mistakes." Said Delia sadly with a sigh.

"Thank you Mrs. Ketchum." Said May remembering the day three years ago. "How many times I told you to call me Delia?" said Delia and May faked a smile he eyes slowly filled with tears 'This woman is so kind to me after what all I did to Ash.' she thought.

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