Chapter - 2 Striking Out!

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Defeated strikes back

CHAPTER – 2 – Striking out!

Hi guys! Ruthlesssceptile6 is back with another chapter of my first fic – Defeated strikes back. Personally I am very happy as how the last chapter turned out. And I hope that you guys liked it to. I will like to thank you all for the encouragment an also for following/favouriting the fic. And yes, thanks to Gold halldorson for pointing out Ho-ho's spelling mistake but I will like to keep Pidgoet male in this fanfiction. And for ages that I have given in last chapter were of the time when Ash got the letter from Charles Goodshow means that the ages will be same in this chapter and for the ages of the flashback just substract three from it. Don't forget to read the A.N at the last. Now without spending too much time, let's get to the chapter.

Speech – "got it"

Thoughts – 'got it'

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech – " got it"

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

A young man probably of 21 years of age covered in all black and blue cloak with a hood stood in the thick Viridian forest , well who could he be, of course he was our hero, Ash ketchum. He has decided that before taking on MASTER'S TOURNMENT, which is taking place after two weeks he will retake on all Kanto gyms, as it will be a good warm up, and he felt that many of them he had not earned fairly at first. He had left Pikachu back at island when he had left for the first gym so that nobody can recognize him. The gym happened to be leaded by 'Forrest', little brother of his dear friend Brock. He teleported to the Viridian forest with Mewtwo and after that Mewtwo went to check around the gym if he could teleport Ash without being seen by anyone "Ash I have gotten a safe place to teleport you so get ready". Said Mewtwo through telepathic link. Ash simply nodded and Mewtwo teleported him. When he reached the Gym something caught his eye, Pewter city gym was now a duel rock and water type gym! "Damm it!" he said and asked Mewtwo to search that what all had changed in last three years. Mewtwo chuckled on his joke and went back on the Island. Ones he entered the gym a voice said "Who dares to enter the Pewter gym." "I am here to challenge the leader." Replied Ash. Lights then switched on and Ash was far beyond surprised instead of Forrest there was his friend Brock. 'How much surprises for today' he thought.

"Ok 3 on 3, ok by you?" Asked Brock, Ash simply nodded.

"This is a official 3 on 3 gym battle between gym leader Brock and challenger ..." the refree looked towards Ash. "Raiden Marsh." Replied Ash.

"Swampert let's go." Said Brock while tossing a Pokeball in the air reveling his water-ground type. "Lucario lend me your aura." Said Ash while summoning his faithful partner. Who stood in battle stance. "Lucario vs Swampert battle begin." Called refree.

'Even if you are my friend Brock I will not go easy on you' thought Ash. "Swampert start things with mud shot." Said Brock. "Lucario dodge with Extreamspeed and convert it in bone rush."Commanded Ash. Lucario easily dodged and hitted Swampert who rolled backwards and struggled to get up. Brock was beyond amazed by the speed, power, and force. But he decided to put that aside and asked "Are you ok Swampert." Swampert nodded so he ordered "Ok us..." but he was cut off by Ash as he ordered "Lucario end this with Extreamspeed into close combat followed by force palm and aura sphere." Brock was terrified he quickly said "dodge" it but it was too late, Swampert got hitted by the series of attacks and fainted. "S.. ..rt u..unable to b...b..battle Lucario wins." Stated a flagbusterd refree. "You did great Swampert, now golem I choose you." Stated Brock while recalling his fainted Swampert and came out fully evolved form of geodude. Ash decided to stick with Lucario. "Golem vs Lucario begin". Stated the refree. "Golem use rollout." Commanded Brock. "Lucario use max power bullet punch and end it aura combat." Stated Ash. Brock was confused at what aura combat meant but understood soon as Lucario hitted Golem with bullet punch and used close combat with use of aura. As sand covered the field by stopping of the rollout but cleard soon to revel a fainted golem while still Lucario looked fresh as ever. Brock was terrified by the amount of power in Lucario, and threw hands in defeat not wanting any of his Pokémon to get hurt. "I forfeit" said Brock quickly. " leeadeer B..bbbrock f..ff..forfeited th..the c..cha..ahallenger ww..winner." stated a terrified refree. "Nice choice" said Ash before starting to walk off. "Wait your badge" said Brock but he was cutted of by "I don't want it, I just came for warm up for MASTER'S TOURNMENT." Said Ash as he left, leaving a doumbfold Brock and refree.

He walked out of the gym and said "Beware Misty, here I come." Before teleporting to cerulean city with Mewtwo.

Time skip – 8 days

"Well looks like it was to just play when we defeated these gym leaders, wasn't it?" asked our hero to his Pokémon."Yeah, these Damm gym leaders are very weak now, even Sabrina.'"Replied Pikachu in a very bored tone. "We have became strong, EXTREAMLY strong, they are the same". Corrected Mewtwo. "Yeah, yeah...whatever" replied Ash. He had defeated all the kanto gyms in eight days by just using one Pokémon for each gym. The Master's tournament started in six days and in 2 hours he was going to meet Scott and Mr. Charles Goodshow at the battle frontier headquarters in Viridian forest in kanto. Scott had sent another letter to him before the day regarding the tournament that Mr. Goodshow wanted to meet him face to face and also wanted to give him some information and talk about the tournament. In these eight days no one was able to find who he really was, in reality and even his fake names. He had changed his name in every town or city he went. Till now the Pokémon who had in the gyms fought were – Lucario, Norvien, Hawlucha, Pikachu, Talonflame, Butterfree, Salamence, and Unfezent.

Time skip – 2 hours

"Mewtwo time to go to battle frontier headquarters, Scott is waiting for us." Said Ash as he, Mewtwo and Pikachu teleported in front of the building and Ash asked Mewtwo to become invisible.

So a cliffhanger, heheheh.... , I did'nt planned to show the battle between Ash and brock but I included it to show the amount of power Ash's Pokemon will have and also to show the move 'Aura combat'. In this story Ash's pokemon can do lots of moves which are mixed and some can do the moves which they can't learn like Sceptile and charizard learning draco meteor but only Ash's Pokémon can do this. And also as I mentoined in the chapter Ash did'nt taked Pikachu with him at first because Brock or Misty may recognize him but he fought Lt. Surge so that's why he is in the list. And remember Ash can exchange his Pokemon anytime with the help of Mewtwo. And most importantly after this the updates will be slower I was able to update this chapter so fast because I had written it in advance. Don't forget to review its very usefull for me like I was able to correct Ho-ho's spelling when Gold halldorson pointed it last time. If any questions you are free to PM me or you can write it in review. If got any intresting idea or suggetion for the next chapter please PM me it will make me to update faster. Seeya! Till next time! Stay safe, Stay healthy!

Ruthlesssceptile6 signing outtttt!

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