Chapter - 8 - Reunions!

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Defeated Strikes Back

CHAPTER – 8 – Reunions!

What's up readers,I'm back with another chapter, and in this one I'll introduce an OC.

So now let's see the chapter.

Thoughts – 'got it'

Thoughts through Aura or Aura link – got it

Telepathy – got it

Pokémon speech (At sole Pokémon conversations or when with Ash or Riley or any other aura user.) – "got it"

Pokémon speech (Normal) – "Pika pi, Pikachu" (got it, Ash)

Pokémon thoughts – 'got it'

So let's get started.

Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon.

Time Skip 5 mins – Near the Lake.

"Hey Ash, before we start to train, can you tell what flavor you use in you training, your battling style is very much spicy but sweet at the same time?" asked Cilian, everybody sweatdropped. (A.N – Sorry but I'm very bad at Cilian, you have to cope up.) "Yes Ash, you're not a kid anymore." Added Iris.

"While battling I use mix moves very often like Aura Combat and Thunire punch, it's like catching two Magicarphs with one rod, one – these moves are very powerful, secondly the opponent gets confused and when he/she understands, it's too late." Explained Ash."Cool! I'm going to use it." said Max, while Ash started laughing. "What?" asked Max angrily.

"Using moves like this with accurate power is nearly impossible." Said Ash while still laughing."But I'm the Petelburg city gym leader and I've concurred Hoeen battle frontier." Said Max. "Ok, time to show how much power it need to learn these moves, you all call out your best Pokémon, if you can Mega evolve them then Mega evolve them and stand in a line." Said Ash."But what we will do?" Asked Serena. "I'm telling you, and mom you can sit there." He replied to Serena and gestured his mom to sit on the side of lake. Paul and Gary were awfully silent all this time. Then Ash whispered something in Gary's ear and Gary gave him the 'Are you crazy dude! (~_~) ' look.

Meanwhile Brock called out his Steelex and Mega evolved it, Misty called out Garadyos and Mega evolved, Max called out his Sceptile and Mega evolved it, May called out Blazeiken and Mega evolved it, Dawn called out Empoleon and Mega evolved, Paul called out his Torterra and Mega evolved it, Iris sent out Haxorus and Mega evolved it, Cilian called out his Simesage, Serena called out Delphox and Mega evolved it, Celemont called out Manatretic, and Bonnie called out Denddene.

"We're going to battle, you 10 and VS my 5 Pokémon." Said Ash."Are you mad, you are going to fight 5 gym leaders, 3 top coordinators (A.N – Serena is both Kalos queen and a top coordinators), 3 frontier brains (A.N – Paul is the Sinnoh frontier master, Iris and Bonnie are also the frontier brains of their respective regions.), means total ten people with just five of your Pokémon!" Yelled Misty.

"Do it and don't hold back." Said Ash."But if something happens to your Pokémon don't blame us." Said Iris and Ash grinned.

"Pikachu, chu...Pika chu, pika pika chu pika pika chupi pikapi pikapipikachu...."(We should be saying that to you, Anyone from team Pika bros can wipe you out in seconds...You have my word on it Dragon trainer, What I say is always true and will remain true until people are bored in boredom while saying boring stuff so they can make others bored.....blah...blah.) Others were confused at what Pikachu was blabbering and Ash and Lucario sweatdropped.

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