Scripting sounds exactly like what it is. Scripting is what you do to prepare for entering your dr. Not everyone does it and it's certainly not required. It depends on what helps you shift. But if you do wish to script, keep reading.
When scripting your dr make sure to include what you look like, act like, who will be in your dr (real or fictional), relationships with those people, your intention, scenery, your safeword, and key situations you want to happen while in your dr. You can script on a piece of paper, notes app, or keep it in your head, whatever works for you. Here is an example template for you. Keep in mind that you do not have to have a template, instead, you could write your script like a story/fanfic.
Blonde hair, green eyes, 5'4"
Happy, confident
Outfit: White dress
Safeword: crab legs (your safeword can be literally anything but it has to be something you don't say a lot so you don't accidentally say it while in your dr)
I will be happy and confident
I will have no enemies, everyone will like me
5 minutes in cr = 1 year in dr (it is important to add this because it helps keep track of how much time you have spent in your dr)
Smell: Peppermint
Hear: Faint talking
See: Hogwarts castle
Feel: Slight breeze
Some people draw pictures when scripting, whatever works for you. You can also script what you will smell/hear when you are close to entering your dr. I also recommend scripting that you can't die, loved ones can't die, nothing bad can ever happen, you are always happy, you can't get rejected, things like that. Although it will make your dr less realistic, you know that you will have a good experience.
Guide To Shifting
RandomThis is a Guide to Shifting. I will talk about what shifting is, scripting, methods for shifting, my experiences, subliminals, and helpful tips. I hope I can help some of you enter your dr! Please drop a comment if you either want to give me tips...